Pro Tools/Superior Midi Tempo Fk Up


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
I made some audio and MIDI in Cubase so I wanted to put it into Pro Tools....I should have known just importing it and it working wouldn't be simple...

The midi is on the grid perfectly....yet on playback it's behind....the tempo was imported and the click is playing the correct tempo yet the drums are lagging behind like a bitch.

The one time I just wanted to get back into writing and this starts pissing me around....absolutely raging!

Anybody got any suggestions?
Ok ive just narrowed it down....I made all the plugins on the drums inactive and it's now in it must be one *or more?* of the plugins that's causing this =\

I thought this is what delay compensation was for...
It's on max.

If I put a amp sim on it all goes out again :S

It is putting a CMP figure on every channel when I put an amp sim it a routing issue?

If I disable the delay comp on the amp sim aux all the drums/bass are back in guessing its SIR's 8600 ms of delay that's causing all this. First VTM now SIR, Y U NO LET ME WORK?!