Problem - Drums/Drumagog/Midi


Jun 25, 2002
I have this problem, that I have a snare-track, that bleeds so much, that there's no way I can get all the hits to play through Drumagog. Is there anyway to make a miditrack for the hits Drumagog picks and add the missing hits there or any other advices for such situation?
M.Lehto said:
I have this problem, that I have a snare-track, that bleeds so much, that there's no way I can get all the hits to play through Drumagog. Is there anyway to make a miditrack for the hits Drumagog picks and add the missing hits there or any other advices for such situation?

Yes....what hosting software are you using.

1. Setup the drumagog on the track you want.
2. Go to the advanced tab and enable midi out.
3. Set up a midi track.
4. Set the input of that track to the output of the drumagog track.
5. Hit record/

I do this all the time so I can then use the midi to generate sounds through DFHS.
chadsxe said:
Yes....what hosting software are you using.

1. Setup the drumagog on the track you want.
2. Go to the advanced tab and enable midi out.
3. Set up a midi track.
4. Set the input of that track to the output of the drumagog track.
5. Hit record/

I do this all the time so I can then use the midi to generate sounds through DFHS.

I'm actually mixing this at my friends as I didn't have good software, he's using Cubase, so we'll try this or check the other program that was suggested (if there's a demo available or something), thanks a lot to both of you.
It really is hit or miss. There is a lot of noticable flams going on between the OH's and snare track. If you have an OH track you can such the snare out of it works alirght (might have to nudge a few hits hear and there) but if the snare is in the OH's a lot then you might be in for some trouble. I ended recording a project I am working on the Machine way. I made the drumer track the OH's seperate from everything. This made for a much easier time but you have to have a drummer who can pull this off.
Yeah, While using Drumagog to convert audio to midi using Sonar has been disappointing.

I had better luck using Melodyne recently.
Just something crazy I thought of considering recording overheads separately (if the drummer isn't up to it)...

Why not play back the recorded drum tracks loud through good monitors and rig the monitors with overhead mics :goggly:

At least it's on time :blush: