Problem with Countryman 85 D.I

Toni S.

Sep 10, 2008
The problem is this:

when I plug my guitar into "Input", and I have a cable from the Mic Output to my recording interface, everything is fine, I get a good signal. But when I plug, just plug another cable to the "Amp" slot, the signal to my recording interface from the Mic Output goes dead. So basically the whole unit goes dead if I just plug something in the "Amp" slot.

The reason I plug a cable to the "Amp" slot, is because I wanna put the signal from there to a Podxt so I can record something ampy aswell as the D.I from the Countryman. But now I can't do that.

Any suggestions?

PS. And I tried a new battery, didn't help.

Well, it's not quite the same thing cause I get NO D.I signal when there's something plugged in to the "Amp" slot. And I didn't even have an amp connected to the cable, I just plugged a cable in it. So are you basically saying that this cannot be done with the countryman?

Edit: didn't work with phantom power either.

What do people then use (if this really cannot be done with the countryman) to record a D.I and an amp signal at the same time?
You know what's funny? I had a similar problem with my Countryman this afternoon :lol:

Unplug the battery and run off phantom power alone. Should work (and sound) a charm.

I tried that but didn't work, the whole unit goes dead quiet if I just simply plug a cable to the "Amp" slot.
OMG, I think I got it to working! It was the cables fault, I changed it and now it seems to work. WOOOT