Problem with Event Opals


New Metal Member
Dec 9, 2008

I have a pair of Event Opal monitors which are fairly new - I got them about a week ago brand new from an Event dealer.

They sound fine but:

One of the monitors does not make any noise after turning off - seems normal. But the other - it makes a 'farting sound' and then the speaker cone moves forward slowly once and then back to its original position. It looks as though its moving way too far forward.

Is this normal or is this a problem I should get fixed? thanks
Had the same thing happen on one of my Opals. That didn't bother me THAT much, but the two monitors were definitely different sounding and there was more ground noise in the "fart/boom" one. Sent it back, they "fixed" it, resent it to me, same shit happening again, re-sent it back, finally received a working unit to go along with my other one. You can imagine the stress.

The new one farts juuuust a little bit when turned off, but it sounds identical to the other one so no issue now.