Problem with my RCF 310-a


Oct 15, 2010
Hi. I recently noticed my RCF 310-a was distorting when we rehearsed with my band.

So I started to investigate a little. The speaker is just fine when I play some music through it at a normal listening-volume, but starts to distort when I increase the volume towards to a volume level we would rehearse at. And then I noticed not only does it distort the sound, but it also cuts in and out a bit when I increase the volume. Kind of like a bad cable type of a sound. But I already tested a few other cables and there was no difference.

I've already fixed the HF-driver before, but that's not the problem here since everything is fine at a low volume.

Any ideas?

Here's a clip:

As you can hear, the crackle isn't there at low volumes but as soon as I increase the volume just a little, it's there. Kind of like it'd be hitting the 0db limit while it's not even close to it. Strangely it didn't cut in and out at all now. Do any of you have any idea?

I've asked a local music shop if they repair active speakers but so far I've not got any answers from there either.

Our vocalist has another Rcf art 310a and we haven't had any issues with it. I tried to look if there's anything different about it and it seems that it is 240V while my speaker is 230V. Maybe this is why it's breaking?
No the crackling comes only from my speaker. I haven't tested actually switching all the cables from one to the other though. I'll try that just to eliminate everything but the unit itself.
Changing the cables didn't do it. At first I thought it was better but it turned out that it was just the position in which the speaker was placed that hid the cracking a bit better. haha.

One more thing I noticed is that when I turn my speaker's volume to the limit-protection level, it pops the speaker. And if the same is done with our vocalist's speaker it only flashiest the limit-protection LED.

I might have to try to contact RCF to see if they know what's up.
Could be the amp module, could also be a blown speaker. At least to the point where something is distorting and arcing in the voice coil.

Since you do have a working speaker, you should be able to swap modules and see what happens.

That would isolate module vs. speaker. In active speakers I have had both go. The amps are being hit with so much vibration and heat that they will prematurely fail or break solder joints. If they aren't protected right, they are put through more abuse because it is harder to see limit lights and such, so drivers then blow also.

Good luck!