Problems with Opeth DVD


Wants to be like Mike
Mar 21, 2002
First off, I couldn't be happier with the performance, the sound, and the video quality. Truly amazing. But does anyone else have a problem with selecting menu items from the main menu? Seems like when you try and go down the selection list to the Commentary, it is not highlighted. Also the highlighted selection of other menu items seems off.
Yeah. Mine is that same way also. I pre-orded it from The End Records and got mine weeks ago. The menu screen is screwed up. To watch the concert portion, you actually have to select in between the sound options & the commentary, so it looks like nothing is high-lighted..
Yup - same problem here too. That secondary red overlay in selecting a song is impossible to read, and many times on song off.
I need Lamentations so badly, seems to be a dissapointment that theres an error in the DVD but hey its Opeth, I'm going to get it anyway

:worship: Hail Opeth :Worship:
actually, i have a diff. glitch on mine. when the dvd transitions from the mellow set into the heavy set, the picture gets all blocky and glitched (like if you have digital cable, and it gets blocky when trying to get connected). if i simply press stop, and resume it, it goes away, no problem.

also, on another related glitch note, when i got orchid less then a year ago, from century media's mailorder, on forest of october, it has a tingey sound on certain parts, as if the production was messed up, but it's not, it's def. the cd itself. haha, anyone else?
deliverance said:
actually, i have a diff. glitch on mine. when the dvd transitions from the mellow set into the heavy set, the picture gets all blocky and glitched (like if you have digital cable, and it gets blocky when trying to get connected). if i simply press stop, and resume it, it goes away, no problem.

Actually, that's your DVD player malfunctioning. I had the same problem with my first DVD player. The discs would play fine on other people's equipment, but not on my player.
mine has the menu glitch. i think it's like 3 presses down to get to the concert and maybe 4 for the documentary. haven't yet been able to get to the scene selection tho.
Listen to Post Scriptum!! He's right, you have to go through some options on your remote until you can select your display, and change it to whatever works, might be different with every TV but try until it works. Usually it's on 4:3 Letterbox I think (at least on mine and a friend's). Change it to what works for you.

EDIT: Whoops seems like Maiden said it, guess I'm guilty of not reading the posts either :p
I tested the DVD on 5 different DVD-Player, on one of them the DVD worked totally right, on 2 it was as it were with your DVD-Player and the other 2 werenn't able to play the DVD
Demoke said:
This thread is really funny!!! The DVD hasn't got any problem. It's your DVD players!!!

Demoke - it really is the DVD itself. I think there was a manufacturing problem with the first editions of the Region 1 DVD's. The menu problem is the same on both my dvd players. The newer released version works fine.