PROBOT anyone?


Nov 14, 2003
Bavaria, Germany
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The album will be out tomorrow. What do you think about it? Are you looking forward to it or has anybody even had the chance to listen to it yet? Personally I'd really like to listen to the track with Cronos singing. So what do you think?
I found a copy on the net about a week or so ago. It's ok but don't get all hyped up about it. The song with Lemmy is the best track. Put it this way, I'll wait and find a used copy.
a damning verdict indeed.
my brothers bound to buy a copy-i'll get him to burn me one.if its good,i'll go and buy a proper one.
it seemed to be quite hyped in places.dont you just hate it when things dont live up to the hype?!?
I've only heard the samples songs. I'm not in any hurry to get it. I'll get it sooner or later.
Greeno said:
I found a copy on the net about a week or so ago. It's ok but don't get all hyped up about it. The song with Lemmy is the best track. Put it this way, I'll wait and find a used copy.
Lemmy is for me the basic reason to have that album. I heard the Lee Dorian song and I like it, but I will probably also wait for a used copy. I have a lot of material with priority in my 2004 list.

BTW In case you haven't check Force Of Evil debut, I got my copy on Saturday and I hadn't stop hearing it since...:hotjump:
delize said:
Instead of starting a new Probot thread I'll just continue this one........

Here is "Shake Your Blood" video for downloading. I haven't got it yet! I will later.

Thanks fir the tip Delize! Not a bad song, nice to see Wino is in the video playing guitar.

Everyone talking about this album got me to listen to it again, I'm still not that into it but the first track (with Cronos) is great!
Have you heard Wino's Divine Propaganda by his new band, The Hidden Hand?

I like the Cronos track too.
delize said:
Have you heard Wino's Divine Propaganda by his new band, The Hidden Hand?

Not heard that. I'm very lacking on Wino stuff, have some St Vitus is about all. I live not far from where he is and the guy is a legend around here in the underground scene. I very much need to invetigate his music!
I'll download it off the net for free. I'm interested but skeptical.
Dave Grohl may be a metal geek but his roots are in Nirvana and
Foo Fighters.
I gotta say, guys, I like the disc a lot. Even better than Damageplan. Of course, there's a lot of things that appeal to me in an album. Songs, sure, but the SOUND of the songs. I'll explain...I like the fact that the PROBOT disc sounds like it was recorded in the basement (with a good mix) and you're right there with 'em. The mix is very "live" sounding but clear at the same time. I love that. A lot of my favorite albums don't have that live or "3d" sound. Another good example of this sound is 'Six Pack" by Black Flag. Not metal, but the bass starts off in your face and then the cymbal comes in tsss tsss tsss tsss and it really sounds like they're in your living room when I really like the production on this disc if nothing else. PLUS, I am a new King Diamond convert and I can't get enough of him! haha Plus, CRONOS! It's good.
From what I understand Grohl was just recording this stuff for himself at home killing time with no plan of releasing it. Someone suggested he get a bunch of his favorite singers to do vocals, a friend of his started contacting people and everyone was into it. That may be why it has that "basement production", it was just him goofing off with no plans for the music.
OfficerNice said:
I'll download it off the net for free. I'm interested but skeptical.
Dave Grohl may be a metal geek but his roots are in Nirvana and
Foo Fighters.

Actually his roots are in punk rock. He was initially in a DC punk band called Scream on Dischord Records.

As for the initial question... "Probot anyone?"
Answer... "Nope"

Heard a few tracks at Greeno's, but it didn't do much for me.
It's a good record. I got it just to have it. I really dig the Lemmy, KD & Snake tracks. Just some novelty disc to have in the collection. I actually ahev a little more respect for Grohl, he put this out on an indie label vs. cashing & having this on a major label.