Processing drum sims


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
When mixing, which way do you consider better to process your drum sims...
Processing and tweaking in the VSTi itself with all its comp, eq or whatever before bouncing... or bouncing the natural sound track by track and process the audio files like it would be a real drum?

Just curiosity... I always do the second way.
I use the multi out option and route every drum seperately. Once I have all my channels all set up and working I'll then route them again to more individual AUX channels. The first set of multi outs i create i use for panning and volume control and the second is for all my processing and my sends for tom verb, snare verb etc all come from these. I then route all these to a master drum control.

Oh and create seperate groups for Toms/Hi Hats/OHs etc

I mix all my drums live because I'm always going back and changing things. I dont do any processign within the actual drum interface itself, I just us all my own plugins and mix that way.

It can be a big CPU hog but its just my opinion and method.

I know Jeff also does pretty much the same thing.
I like my regular plugins way more than the battery 3 plugins, so I bounce out and. Plus that way I don't have to have the program with all the samples loaded.