Produced some R´n´B stuff for my sistaaa!!

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hi guys :)

Some of you know, I´m a goddamn metalhead and the most time I recorded some Metal...nevertheless I tryed out recording some soul R´nB stuff. In the last time I helped out my sister recording here own written songs. And it was fun!! Tell me what you think & add (like) here on facebook, if you want.

Here´s the song:

And here you can add here on facebook:

Greeting :kickass:

Felix Neumann
Sounds pretty decent, just the snare sounds a little invasive and cracky compared to the rest. Maybe something softer, brushes perhaps?
Sounds good dude, only problem is that I have like zero experience with RnB :D
Just one thing I've noticed: at parts were she gets louder and moves away from the mic there's a lot of roomsound on the mic.
Also clipping on the vocals at 1:09 -> "friend"

Klingt alles sehr stimmungsvoll und passt alles gut zusammen! sieh hat eine sehr coole stimmfarbe, RnB passt da eh gut dafür :)
She has a great voice Felix, she should do a guest appearance on a M&M song ;).

Anyway about the mix... +1 on the snare being invasive and cranky, and also I think the vocals are a bit too dry. I didn't hear any clipping where Mago mentioned. Maybe it's the strumming of the guitar at that specific point that sounds like the vocals are clipping.
Scnhönes Ding, vielleicht aber ein bisschen viel Bass, der könnte vtl. etwas tighter.
Andererseits ist das hier allerdings auch wirklich nicht mein Fachgebiet, dass könnte durch ne Autoanlage schon gut kommen so :D

Das gelache da kling aber eher wie das intro zu nem Infernalen Belphegor Song ... etwas "creepy" :D
The track is awesome. It just needs more delay/verb on the vox and maybe more verb on the snare. I don't think the snare sound is that bad, it's just super dry and fake sounding. If you put some sick verb on it (not just a buss, but on the track itself) it would be sick tight. Could you post the source tracks so I could have a go at it? I've never got to do a chick singer or R&B and I'd love to try it out!
Thank you very much for your time & comments, guys :) I will take your tipps and critics into account for the next R´n´B excursion.

She has a great voice Felix, she should do a guest appearance on a M&M song .

Yeah I´m sure she would help me out for one of my MM tunes. At least, she played the violine on The world has moved on :)

Could you post the source tracks so I could have a go at it?

Oh I´m currently not in the studio and I don´t know when I´m coming back (holidays), but I can do a package, when I´m at home.
Sounding pretty great dude! I'm generally not a person who listens to this music, but I like this :D Her voice is really good as well, you twos are talented :D
Sounding pretty great dude! I'm generally not a person who listens to this music, but I like this :D Her voice is really good as well, you twos are talented :D

Thank you very much, dude :kickass: Yeah I´m not really an R´n`B fan, too. The good thing about this song is the positive attitude..listened to it in the morning and damn I got into a hell of a good mood :lol:
The actual beat could use some accents instead of straight beats, maybe some accent kick/cymbal hits on the chorusy parts. Quicktime doesnt read out the minutes/seconds so I'll download it and see if I can pick out the seconds what I are tryings to explains in WMP.

....It is now five minutes later, here's the spots:

0:41-0:46 maybe some 'bah-bu-buh-buuum' accents at the end (maybe, unless I'm overdoing her song lol) and then no beat until the next part starts up again, a refrain.

2:36-2:40 same deal (and every time the "just for you" line & piano part)

also thinking maybe you could start the drums when she starts singing instead of at the beginning, just a though.

And maybe @ 1:42, the 'new' part (I guess interlude or bridge kind of part) might could use some difference in the beat, as a metal dude I want to half-time it but that's prolly not good for pop songs

sorry trying to be Bob Rock here :lol: :loco: Grain of salt and all that.
Masterbeast, no need to say sorry. Tips are gold! I wish I wouldn´t have finished it yet - could seriously take your proposals into account. The next song I´ll put on here in a more raw condition. Thanks for your detailed help, bro :)