Please help me with my own Band

I like it. Cymbals could be a bit beefier when there used as accents at some points. Or maybe I'm just to used to hearing sampled stuff nowadays... Digging the snare. Actually don't mind it being softer during blastbeats. I hate that PANGPANGPANG you normally hear...
+1 to EXACTLY what greg said about the weird freq in the guitars. he's exactly right and somehow brilliantly figured out why it sounded 'wrong'. impressive ears dude, for real....! =D
:OMG: Did you really just say that? Marco "MOAR BASS" Cudan?

haha yeah I did
dunno when lasse updated it, but when I heared it the bass "clank" stuck through a bit much trough the guitars...nothing wrong with MOAR BASS and I love the clank of the bass, but it was a bit too loud for me at first...especially on that intro riff.
sounds fine now tho!

I also got used to the snare now I guess, since I wouldnt have much to complain anymore...or did you change something about it lasse? i replaced the old file with the update so I cant compare
Sounds very good IMO, I think with what has been said before you could achieve a really god mix! (I'm going to record my band next month, 14songs...I'm gonna D-I-E! lol)
k, but if it's not harming the mix, what's wrong with hearing the bass on a metal album? :D

nothing, just my personal preference for how loud I want to hear a non distorted bass ;)
On the intro riff it's REALLY loud
The pm riff volume is perfect, but for the intro riff it would be too loud for me, cause it kind of distracts from the rest...but I guess it's just something to get used to, cause as you said: on most metal albums the bass isn't really easy to make out :lol:
I agree that it could come down in the intro riff, but I didn't wanna automate, so I decided to go with a healthy middle.
I'm also gonna talk to the bass player to control his dynamics a bit more :D
sounds great man rawww! is it possible to post the pod preset for this ?

just kidding:p .......great tone!
+1 to EXACTLY what greg said about the weird freq in the guitars. he's exactly right and somehow brilliantly figured out why it sounded 'wrong'. impressive ears dude, for real....! =D

Thanks man, I really appreciate it :D

I suppose all this mixing I've been doing as of late is finally paying off.

At least it shows these weird shaped things that kinda look like tortelinni on the side of my head are still working :lol: