my own band?

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
as most of you probably know there's pretty much fuck all time for your own band if' you are a producer.
I still can't live totally without, so I've got this project with my brother in arms...
unfortunately I hardly ever had the time to work on it.
september 2008 my sisters boyfriend came over to track some drumsfor this project.
fucking hell. he'd never heard the songs before and we had to track 6 songs in like 3.5 hours, so you can imagine that we had to take quite some compromises (as far as "unique" and "creative" is concerned).
I managed to edit drums for ONE of the songs so far.
last month my buddy played the bass.
he's actually supposed to sing as well.

I'm busy as fuck with other (paying) projects, so I'm totally not satisfied with the velocity of this production, lol.

anyway, a good friend of mine is the former singer of warpath/richthofen (hence the othe thread), he came over today to have a beer with me...
we ended up tracking some vox for this...
mind that these vocals (incl lyrics) have been written and tracked in like 1 hour, so it's far from being perfect....and our actual main singer is in australia atm ("digger" is just a fill in atm to see how the songs could sound with vox).

anyway (I'm starting to lose it, dunk as fuck ;))....
what I want to know from you is whether you like the style/song or whether I should rather concentrate on producing other bands, lol.

this song is definitely the weakest though...

don't bother too much about finding flaws in the mix or lyrics, this is just a rough's about the song/style.

enough chittychattybullshit.....

here you go:


as I said, don't judge the mix (except you like it, lol), I didn't have time to work on it, I'm only working on these songs during consolidation, backing up etc of paid projects...
so usually only like 5 mins every other day.
today I did an hour and a half.....(after having edited drums for a regular project for like 10 hours)...
so ......ignore mix.flaws ;)

for those who wanna know...snare is Pearl free floating brass, guits are 5150+recto through recto cab, overdubs and melodies are 5150 through engl....
but I might perhaps reamp all I said, just a shut up about complaints!! ;)

and I know that it's pumping, I just slammed a limiter on it to get the löevel up for you guys ;)
what I want to know from you is whether you like the style/song or whether I should rather concentrate on producing other bands

I have a bit of a paradox here, because I really like the drumwork and the vocals in that clip a lot because they reminded me of Fear Factory, but otherwise it wasn't my cup of tea. The melodic guitarwork interfering with the vocals, the rhythm guitars interfering with the melodic guitars... It was just a mess to listen to. I was taught that only one melodic element should be dominant at a time, and this one had like 2-3 on at the same, so it was really hard to concentrate on any of them. Its an arrangement thing, not mix thing. But still I think that the main problem for me with this is that the style is too diverse, the thin red line is missing. I can hear clear influences from death metal, blackmetal, groove metal and some trendy metalcore with those spoken words. I think one influence should be dominant and others more as a spice.
I wish my best mixes sounded as your rough and weak mixes do.

The music is just cool, not my cup of tea, but sounds good ;)
The singer has potential!!
and good guitar tone btw :D

Finally we got to hear some of your own work, that's a good sign !!

Cheers! :headbang:

EDIT: Vox remind me FF too
I really love the vocals. The music has a bit too much of those modern melodic (death) metal lines that I just don't like, but I think for people more into this kind of music this would definitely be interesting. I wouldn't discard this, especially if this is your worst song.