Producer as Consumer


Aug 15, 2003
I am reading a book for class and in it it says something to the point that any producer of any given medium will probably understand the medium a lot more thoroughly the the average consumer. But in doing so this creates a paradox because the producer takes for granted a lot of the meaning and depth of other things in the medium that they create. So my mind shifted to metal. I could see this applying here pretty easily, no? But from there my mind thought about music reviewers... 90% of music reviewers are just consumers with no inside mind from of a producer. And from that I think we start to see problems with the reviews of music, particularly Black Metal. But at the same time I don't think it would really be fair to really only listen to the opinions of the producers of any given medium. So, do you think its possible to somehow strike a balance as producer vs consumer and still be able to keep ones mind open enough to not just take for granted the medium (in this case, black metal, metal, etc) that you are working with?


Discuss. :loco:
I would like to think the best producers do not take these things for granted. In order to keep producing great music they must take into account the genre they are working in and the band's ideas for the sound.
I am reading a book for class and in it it says something to the point that any producer of any given medium will probably understand the medium a lot more thoroughly the the average consumer. But in doing so this creates a paradox because the producer takes for granted a lot of the meaning and depth of other things in the medium that they create. So my mind shifted to metal. I could see this applying here pretty easily, no? But from there my mind thought about music reviewers... 90% of music reviewers are just consumers with no inside mind from of a producer. And from that I think we start to see problems with the reviews of music, particularly Black Metal. But at the same time I don't think it would really be fair to really only listen to the opinions of the producers of any given medium. So, do you think its possible to somehow strike a balance as producer vs consumer and still be able to keep ones mind open enough to not just take for granted the medium (in this case, black metal, metal, etc) that you are working with?


Discuss. :loco:

ill first respond to your comment about metal reviewers, what really qualifies anybody to review anything?, yeah, its nice when a reviewer maybe has a background with a certain kind of music, but the more familiar they are the more jaded they can become with a format, and maybe be harsher on a band than the band necissarily deserves, but at the same time, what i like really like shouldnt be based on or effected by what some supposed "expert" reviewer says about a cd.

its hard to answer the question at the end of your paragraph. what balance is really needed, as a producer and a consumer of metal myself, i know that some of the music i write is affected by knowing what else is out there, knowing maybe what is good or bad about a genre or style may change how i play or write a riff, but it really shouldnt be. to me part of being a metal musician is basically self masturbation, i make songs i like in a style i like, not really caring what other people necessarily think about it, or caring how much it would sell, yes, great if people like it and its popular, but if i dont like what i made i would not enjoy making it again, it would just become commercial sell out shit, to me anyway because it would have no personal meaning.
And from that I think we start to see problems with the reviews of music, particularly Black Metal. But at the same time I don't think it would really be fair to really only listen to the opinions of the producers of any given medium.
Discuss. :loco:

heres a more direct and unconvoluted answer than my previous post. i almost think that producers should never be reviewers, because they have a set idea in their mind of what something should be or needs to be, which will definately skew their opinion of something positively or negatively. same can be said for consumers.

i guess i dont really beleive a balance can be achieved. the only purely objective view can some from a person who has no connections or ideas of what something should be ahead of time.