Producers other than Andy doing great work?

I'll stick with metal, so here are my faves other than Andy these days:

Neil Kernon
Fredrik Nordstrom
Daniel Bergstrand
Børge Finstad
Colin Richardson

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Bergstand does some shit that's awesome, and some that's like.. "uhhh"... sooo...

Tue Madsen did a good job with the latest Haunted album, IMO...

Devin can pull out some cool shit here and there
Mieszko Talarczyk (R.I.P) was one of the most interesting and talented producers in metal.

Daniel Bergstrand is another personal favourite as well as Pierre Remilliard.
I've always enjoyed the work of Tomas Skogsberg at Sunlight too.

There are many people doing good things but these were a few favourites at least...