Tommy Newton, anybody?!


Jan 25, 2004
Talking about producers; what do you guys think about his work?
Ark "Burn the Sun"; Elegy "Manifestation of Fear"; Consortium Project "I",etc, etc.
Great sound! Great class!!! :worship:
He's awesome!!!
1st CD that he show me when I went to his studio was Pissing Razors (damn! can't remember the title!) and I was like "what a hell of a sound!!!"
Next he show me a Ns10 speaker with a cartoon of Hitler on it!!! He, he, he!!!
Tommy Newton is great ! His works for Ark or Conception are simply amazing ! We were supposed to record our album in his studio but had to change our plans (budget...). Fantastic producer, and nice person to talk to !

Hey Mr Nine,

Wondering, are you member of Anger? they're portuguese and recorded with Tommy. I became a fan of his works after hearing the production Anger's "The Bliss" album :)

morningstar said:
Hey Mr Nine,

Wondering, are you member of Anger? they're portuguese and recorded with Tommy. I became a fan of his works after hearing the production Anger's "The Bliss" album :)

Hey there! Morningstar!
Nope! I'm not an ANGER member. Nice band, nice guys!
I've worked at Area 51's with Tommy and Luis during the TARANTULA's "Dreamaker" CD.
I think Tommy should have his own forum too! That would be great!
It's funny that we're Portuguese and we're talking in English! He, he, he!
up the tugas!