Fredrik Nordström, anybody?

I for one love Bergstrand's work on the two newest IF albums(I personally like the music on RtR better than STYE, but the production on STYE better than that of RtR). Also, Demigod sounds incredible. I could see how someone would think that the drums sound eh, but personally I think it really fits the music.
This is something that I find somewhat strange at this point. It seems that so many bands just left Fredman and went to Dug-Out almost over night :err:. Many of the bands I know of are now going to Bergstrand, and there's nothing wrong with that, but it just seems that everyone just got this crazy idea that "it would be a cool thing to do" all of a sudden, and then everyone just thinks that Dug-Out is the shit because everyone starts talking about it. It's almost the same vibe as when all the little girls started listening to Britney Spears, Spice Girls etc.. cause it was considered the cool thing to do. :yow:

I love the stuff that Nordström puts out. Everything he does is really a very delicate work of art and the quality of the audio on a purely technical level is top notch :worship: . I could easily buy a Fredman produced album just for the enjoyment of listening to his production/tracking/mixing. ;)

I'm not a big fan of Bergstrands sound on a more regular basis. The In Flames - Reroute... album is such a huge step back for me production wise. The technical quality of it is not really good to begin with and if you look at it mix/production wise it's very muddy and undefined :erk: . The only two things I like from Dug-Out is Meshuggah and Darkane. :wave:
Asmus_Thomsen said:
But i must pay my respect to Bergstrand, because he tries something new....maybe it'll even sound good at some point.

I couldn't agree more. I REALLY like how it's something new. Yeah, it's a little muddy, but damn, it's great to have a change of pace. IF R2R and Darkane's last two albums would both be rad with Nordstrom (or Sneap for that matter), but what Bergstrand did with them just took them to another level. It took me a while to get used to, but I absolutely love that fat sound, and I'm trying to adapt it a bit with my band.

One of the key reasons I've learned to like that muddy sort of sound is that it makes the cd more like a live performance. Yeah, you could easily argue against that being a positive, but just hear me out for a second. It of course wouldn't work so well with like Dimmu or Slayer, but I'd love to hear a 2005 Bergstrand remix of an At the Gates album for shits and giggles.

Probably the thing that turned me on the most to his sound was when I played R2R for my non-metal friends when it came out. They don't know Cradle of Filth from Godsmack, but they liked R2R a lot better than any other metal, and I'm assuming it's because of the Bergstrand sound. Ok I'd better end this message before 2006 starts.