production discussion - for those interested...

Andy Sneap said:
my lips are sealed :Smug:
well I think EOR could get alot more mileage out of one of your remixes...that cd has some great material but was kneecapped by it garbled , muddy , production...I got my fingers crossd for a Sneap remix and extra tracks!!!:rock:
Well actually you could hear Loomis very clearly. But Jim and Van were buried. But as far as the previous discussion about drum mixing.... the speed at which drummers are using the kick now a days needs the trigger (I think that's what the conversation is anyway, I didn't read the link). With a true kick, it'd all blend into a mess of noise. And as for In Flames style production, I don't think they were goin for a sound where you hear every note. They were trying to blend instruments, although they did it with distortion instead of harmonies (which is IMO the way to do that). But it really matters what you are trying to achieve. I actually like the thick bass and rythm guitar sound that IF has. It fits the music. My issue is with the fact the lead is mix too far in back to hear unless you listen through headphones (every song on RTR has a great lead, you just can't hear it).
I thought the production on Enemies kinda fit the songs. The songs were fast, pissed, and angry for the most part, much aggressive then DHIDW and the rawer production kinda goes along with that. I can live with it. I agree it'd be cool to hear a little clearer, but i dont think it detracts from the songs.