production on st anger...


I rule at everything
Oct 28, 2002
Queensland, Australia
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holy shit i just downloaded the apparent "studio version" of st anger, 7:20 and 192kbps... it sounds like it was produced in a basement using a tape recorder. What the fuck? I was at least expecting awesome production out of this album with all the cash tallica has behind them but the production totally destroys what would otherwise be a pretty decent song. And no it sounds nothing at all like their early shit or like their new shit. Its just... different.

ANyways I'm out.
I haven't heard any full versions of any of the songs, but from the samples I have heard, the vocals lack any punch or passion and the drums and guitars sound like they are just being banged on. It's probably just the horrible production though.
hahah, yeah good job.

but really, from watching the video numerous times, i don't mind the vocals, but the drums = suck.
the sound of that snare.. ughh.
i just downloaded a new version recorded last night here in oz on Full Metal Racket... better quality than the last few I have heard but still not what I would call nice production. I reckon the guitars are waaaaaayyy too quiet in the mix. Cause of this it's pretty much impossible to discern any riffs, hence the sound of guitars being banged on. The bass sounds alright though. And yes. The drums. They sound like Lars' kit was just about to fall apart, like the drum tech had purposefully loosened everything in a deliberate attempt to make the drums sound like lars is having an epileptic fit back there. There is not enough cohesion from what I have heard on this song, it sounds really good when there are only a few instruments going but once everything kicks in instead of having a huge powerful impact, it just sounds like noise. Which isn't always a good thing. I should probably not pass judgement though till I hear the cd.
I saw the video for the first time yesterday, and I'm not impressed. James' vocals aren't...good.

Their setlist for the upcoming tour is supposed to have alot of old school stuff in it, which I really don't blame them.
retarded penguin said:
They so totally use Korns riff in that song.

thats the sad truth. I was sort of hoping St. Anger would be a good cd. Just from the 1 song I've heard it might REALLY SUCK!!
Metallica is dead!!!!
thebigyetti said:
there wasnt even a solo in that song, what the fuck?

That's because Kirk SUX!!!

You take away his WAH pedal and it's like a man without air or a fish without water.

I've read that he does not solo on any of the new cd. Claimed that solos didn't fit the new songs.....whatever......Jeff Loomis smokes his ass big time