Production tips...please give feedback on our mix


Apr 3, 2009
We've recently purchased Pro Tools as well as upgraded our interface to try to achieve a better sound. We're definitely experiencing a learning curve with all of the options and possibilties that Pro Tools offers. There are a number of tricks i have tried in terms of the guitar sound including impulses, amp modeling software...etc. I was hoping i could get the opinions of some of you mixing masters out there and see what criticism you may have for our mix. Obviously Im looking for tips on how to improve it so feel free to pick it apart.

All responses are much appreciated!
no bass?...but theres allready a lot of booming going on, so WAY too much bass freq for me...i guess it comes from the kick...which would need a bit more clearness i think.
but i really like the overall sound of the rhythm guitars! even if they miss some highs somewhere...a bit too dark 4 me....the mix isnt that clear in general imo.
i dont like the leads at least from what i can hear^^

but the track itself is really cool stuff!

Thanks so much Mago for listening and replying with some suggestions. I can't argue with the booming low frequencies...unfortunately the downside to my monitors is they don't replicate the low frequencies all that I end up overcompensating. So I'll cut those kick low frequencies.

You also said you didn't like the leads....if you wouldn't mind...what in particular?? The they sit in the mix...or jsut the notes themselves?? Thatd be a big help.

Bringing clarity to the mix is really my biggest struggle currently. Do you...or anyone reading...have any tips on some ways to clear up a mix? Would certain frequency boosts on the master track typically help this?

Again any suggestions are a bi help at this point! Thanks in advance!
Received your PM so I found your thread Neologist :)

As has been said already, the kick has an absurd amount of lows. It was so much that I actually prefered to listen on my really really crappy headphones which sound like they're highpassed at 200hz and the kick still had powerful lows... on these crappy headphones! Haha :) So my suggestion is to either play around with a highpass on the kick but be very careful not to overdo it because you'll just make the kick sound like plastic if you remove all of the beefy lows. Maybe a narrow band cut on the most boomy frequency might help, or even a combination of both of these things I mentioned. All in all, there's way too much lows right now but be careful not to end up with too little instead :)

I was so distracted by the kick so I didn't really focus much on the rest of the mix but I did notice the guitars were a bit boomy in the lower mids/upper lows. This is on palm mutes. You could use a little bit of multiband compression here. I'm suspecting it's the area between 100-200hz. If you could watch the waveform while compressing, it would help since you'll not only hear but also see the boom that is going on on the palm mutes. GMulti (free VST multiband) is awesome for this and has a waveform display as well, but since you're using ProTools I guess you can't use it :(

Otherwise I think the guitars sound really good! Certainly has the right amount of gain for the music and it just feels like it fits the style. As for the drums, I'm not really a big fan of them but we'll see what we can do about that once you've fixed the kick =)

Good job! And congratulations on all the new gear. Learning curves can be frustrating but just stick with it and you'll master it in no time.
Thanks so much Mago for listening and replying with some suggestions. I can't argue with the booming low frequencies...unfortunately the downside to my monitors is they don't replicate the low frequencies all that I end up overcompensating. So I'll cut those kick low frequencies.

You also said you didn't like the leads....if you wouldn't mind...what in particular?? The they sit in the mix...or jsut the notes themselves?? Thatd be a big help.

Bringing clarity to the mix is really my biggest struggle currently. Do you...or anyone reading...have any tips on some ways to clear up a mix? Would certain frequency boosts on the master track typically help this?

Again any suggestions are a bi help at this point! Thanks in advance!

naaa, I'm alway pleased when I get to hear some tracks like that, that have potential to stick in my ears for some time :goggly:

i guess that boomy sound is somewhere between 50-150hz try lowering that.

speaking of monitors, for me its the opposit: i have to get rid of some bass reflections from the wall, so my mixes end up with not enough bass because they always boom in my room...shitty placement :p

also thinking aboutwhat erkan said about the boomy guitars, you don't need much that much low freq if you place the bass well.
and just in case you want to go that far: i would could some of the fizzy highs of the guitars in the beginning when theres no drums to cover them...

@ leads: the notes are ok, but it sounds like a slapbackdelay both in the solo and in the lead parts. but what i meant in my 1st post was the octaved notes. they just sound a bit dead compared to the kickin rhythm sound.
maybe pan the octaves a bit more and cut out less highs

but as you are speaking to a guitarist, I would arrange that part in a different direction, maybe that would bring some clearity to the octaved stuff
Thanks again Erkan and Mago for the critiques. I guess our next step would be to add the bass guitar, fix the kick drum, and do some guitar tone editting. Once we do that, we'll post an updated version of the song. Hopefully in the next day or 2.
A lot better already regarding the booming! the guitars still dont need that much bass but let's wait for the bass to be recordet ;)
looking forward to it =) sounds very promising! what about vocals, will you put some on or leave it instrumemntal?
Thanks Mago! Yeah I gotta experiment with that multiband compressor erkan recommended....try to calm down the whomp from the guitars. I may even raise the high pass frequency once we get the bass on there if necessary.

Yes there will be vocals added soon enough. Once we get the music where we want it I'll add in the vocals and then enjoy that painstaking process haha.
What are your thoughts on the drums as a whole in the latest mix? I've downloaded a bunch of samples from various sources included Erkan (thanks, but I am now absurdly overwhelmed with a billion different sounds...haha)

Any suggestions as far as the individual drum/cymbal sounds?
Thanks Xnay. Pretty straightforward actually. For that mix I just recorded straight from my guitar into my interface (profire 610) into Pro Tools, then used amplitude metal modelled after a 5150 setup....followed with some post EQ and whallah....I had tried some Recabinet Impulses through Voxengo...but with all the options it was overwhelming and I couldnt quite get anything i was happy with.