Profire 2626 Can't change Buffer Size


Jan 11, 2009
Brisbane, Australia
Yes I've done some searching unless I blatantly missed something then sorry for the thread,

So I recently upgraded a few things mbox mini with pt8-->profire 2626 with PT9.

now the system ran fine for the first couple of weeks and i could change the buffer size until now.

I can't change the buffer size in PT's settings or the dsp software when its running and even if I close protools, I can't go to the profre's settings and change it. The option is greyed out and so is the ability to change the sample rate.

256 is just not good enough for the sessions I'm working on and I'm about to start another cd so I need to have this fixed asap. if anyone can help me or has had the same issue I'd appreciate hearing a little knowledge on the matter.
Yes I am on PC.

yeah you can still change the buffer size straight in pt's settings but no other options show up anymore. 256 is the only one listed in the drop down menu compared to last week when they were all there.

I'm pretty sure I have even tried to make sure no other apps are running or using it(even switching all other apps to different devices) and still had no luck. guess I'll try it again.