Profire 2626/ pro tools 9 users..

ughhhh... Software mixers.. FML

How do you guys set it up so it just works like a 002/003 would? I plan on never opening this damn thing again!

Hi Greyskull

This is how i set the Profire Control Panel. It works exactly like my ex Digi 003. Master Volume , headphones 1 and 2 totally independant.
I don't know if i'm doing something wrong but it works for me and never touched the damn thing again.
I use outputs 5/6 for outboard and outputs 7/8 for the A7's

Best regards


Same here.
The only difference is that I use OUT 1/2 for my monitors and in the control panel I set:
Analog OUT 1/2 -> Mixer out
Analog OUT 3/4 -> Mixer out

Pretty much the same thing and you can connect your headphones to the out 2 in the front panel controlling the volume indipendently by the master volume
I don't know what's the problem with the software mixer. Just take 2mn setting the right analog outs, mute or not the mixers if you want the internal mixer to monitor or not the input, programming the headphones and master knobs to work as you wish, and you're good. It's transparent, as it should be, and you can just work as you're used to inside your DAW. In fact, the software router can be pretty handy the day you need it.

I quite never open it, only for specific uses or to change some setting on a lower level than the DAW itself.

And yeah I use a similar settings to the ^ posts.

So far so good!

My inital reaction on playing back a mix I'd done with the 002 that i knew really well was.. WOAH

So much more depth/stereo field/clarity in the top end... Mental

What order are you daisy chaining firewire drives??
I'm currently doing..

Mbp->800/400 cable -> 2626->400 Cable->Lacie

Drive seems to be running worse than when i ran it Mbp -> 800 cable -> Lacie ->400 Cable 002, but I've heard that this can cause glitches and clicks on the 2626, your thoughts ??

Much appreciated
I have the same chain (mbp -> fw400 -> profire -> fw400 -> lacie.
There shouldn't be any problem with the Lacie before the profire...I noticed clicks only mixing 2 different bus speed (ex. mbp -> fw800 port -> lacie, mbp -> fw400 -> profire) but if you use the same bus at the same speed it should work well.
seems okay so far...
had a wierd distortion problem earlier on playback... ughhh
also when opening the control panel after running a pro-tools session with the 2626 i get this message..

"Because the sample rate is now 44.1 kHz, some audio ports have become silent."

Should i worry??

I've set the mixer like this to reduce the ammount of inputs in PT and strain on the F/W bus


