Prog Fantasy football league created, join up!

Damn...I wanted in, but I was on vacation all of last week. Any chance you could squeeze in one more team(Threshold of Pain). When I created a league last year, it took forever to fill. I guess word got around. :), but :(
I will sign up as soon as I get home tonight (can't access from work).

Thanks! Can't wait to kick some... er, wait, it's me... yeah, never mind. :p

Edit: oops, make that tonight. Hhad stuff come up last night.
6th place... I really thought I had a chance to make a run in the playoffs, but thats the joy of head to head. WWJD must feel like shit... 1st place all year and not even a bronze trophy for his efforts. Fun season, can't wait for next year! :kickass: