Prog Power 3.0 Pics

Hey my brotha!

I'll go ahead and dig through the PPIII pictures as well as the Symphony X show pics and send em over to you!

We got a few good ones, but not quite as good as yours! they turned out awsome!

especially this one....

A cool as hell pic of Adam and Ronnie, and Curtis to the left....unfortunaly me and Sheri look like two deer in the headlights of an incoming Mack truck!!! ROTFL!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Not sure which pic your refering to bud?? My site is being moved to a new host, it will be back up shortly, if you want to send me those pics I will add them to the page. Hope all is well my brotha!

I could have sworn I typed out that I was moving my website to a new host somewhere in this thread?? Hmmm Maybe not :headbang:

Originally posted by Dustin
Hey my brotha!

I'll go ahead and dig through the PPIII pictures as well as the Symphony X show pics and send em over to you!

We got a few good ones, but not quite as good as yours! they turned out awsome!

especially this one....

A cool as hell pic of Adam and Ronnie, and Curtis to the left....unfortunaly me and Sheri look like two deer in the headlights of an incoming Mack truck!!! ROTFL!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

LOL oh that one!!!! LMAO!!
