Some pictures from PPUSA 3.0

Its Prog Power , its just the way it is. I know alot of bands from my radio show and here and there on the web and just going up and talking to bands and becoming friends with them also helps. This event is the kind that lets the fans get close to the bands and hangout and shoot the shit, its a great event, I can't wait for This year already.

In other news I will be adding around 50 more pics to my PPUSA page tomorrow!!!

Or was it the year before?? I think last year, anyways they were very cool but the crowd wasn't into them in SF, maybe they will have grown some since. Look forward to the show and hangin out dude, see ya soon!

Isn't it amazing how much of a difference the crowd can make in a show. I learned from Progpower and Blind Guardian/Symphony X that a good crowd makes a great show all that much better.
Kick ass pics you took bro!!I have about 15 more I need to put up tomorrow!. I'll give ya ring later this week. What you dudes doing for the big game???

No it was for anyone that wanted to come. The problems was that alot of people came LOL and the security dude had like 4 complaints on me, so I had to boot out everyone except some of my close friends or get booted out of teh hotel. As much fun as I was having I will probably have a private party next time.

Originally posted by Bear
No it was for anyone that wanted to come. The problems was that alot of people came LOL and the security dude had like 4 complaints on me, so I had to boot out everyone except some of my close friends or get booted out of teh hotel. As much fun as I was having I will probably have a private party next time.


So I can't come this year :( because that's the only chance I have of actually meeting some of the bands' members!
The band memebers are usually found hanging out here and there at the venue and at the hotels, you wont have any problem running into them I am sure. Besides there is always someone having a party at the hotels , you just need to look around. Its still awhile off, wait to see what all is going to transpire!

Originally posted by Bear
The band memebers are usually found hanging out here and there at the venue and at the hotels, you wont have any problem running into them I am sure. Besides there is always someone having a party at the hotels , you just need to look around. Its still awhile off, wait to see what all is going to transpire!


Oh ok I didn't even know they stayed at the same hotel that the people at progpower stayed :eek:
There were a handful of hotels. The weird thing was that they all cost around the same, but the relative quality was night and day.

I was in the Fairfield Inn for like $85 or so a night, and it was a shoebox. The bands and Bear (and others) were in the Suites down the street from the Venue, and paid not that much more a night for a frickin' two-story suite with a full kitchen, etc. Needless to say, I felt pretty ripped off. :(
Well to be fair our hotel was split three ways and it was $200 a night, which a room would have been $100 by myself so it all equalled out.

Geo you going to 4.0?

Ah, OK. That's not nearly as bad as I thought, then. If I go to PP4, I'd still prefer to split a place like that than to get what I got, though.

Anyways, to answer your question, depends on who the lineup is. If it's a prog-heavy as PP3 was power-heavy, probably not. I'm more of a power metal fan, at least for live stuff. If it's balanced or mostly power/thrash, then I'll probably go.

If I do head out there, hopefully I can hook up with the Bay Area contingent a little buddy that was supposed to fly out with me got laid off at the last minute and couldn't afford it, so it ended up being pretty much solo.