Prog Power Headliners

I never said you couldn't discuss this or any other fest. I'm just saying that it's pointless. Most of the people that would care about that fest would be on that board. For example, if I wanted to talk and hear about tap dancing, I wouldn't go to a ballet dancing forum. Know what I mean?

I think I understand what you're getting at. ProgPower certainly is not off-topic for this forum, just as CPF is not off-topic for the PPUSA forum. The fests are connected in that they have used the same venue at around the same time of year; because they have an overlapping core audience (see below); and because they both feature prog and power metal (although one fest features it almost exclusively, and the other doesn't). It's certainly not pointless for attendees of one fest to discuss their reactions to developments of the other one on their own forum.

The only disturbing thing is that this post has gotten more action than practically every other thread combined. We need some new announcements, STAT.

BTW, saying a lot of Chicago people go to PP is not a valid point for talking about it here...not unless you can say a lot of people that attend Chicago Powerfest attend that fest....and that is just something you will never know.

I personally know at least 20% of the ProgPower attendees and at least 25% (probably more) of the CPF attendees on any given year, and yes, many of them are the same people. However, that number is dwindling, due to the fact that Rob and Chris are marketing the CPF as more of a "local" fest, as well as the fact that band announcements come much closer to the CPF date, so it's harder to make travel arrangements ahead of time.
due to the fact that Rob and Chris are marketing the CPF as more of a "local" fest

Wow! I really don't think you should be making that assumption...which is exactly what that is. You do not know their intentions and I find you way out of line for you to talk as if you know what they are. I'm sure you don't mean to come off that way, but I wouldn't go saying something like that unless you know 100% without a doubt that that is the case.

I wasn't going to comment on your post because I want this thread to die, but I couldn't resist about something like that.

Besides, this is getting way off topic at this point....just let this thread die.
Are the promotors of Powerfest the same as the promoters of Prog Power? I don't think so. Besides, I'm not speaking about what the promoters think. I'm talking about the fact that if you want to speak about prog power, go to that forum and do it. It's pointless to do it here. Most of the people who care about that fest would be hanging on that forum...not here.

What if I want to speak to my brother about Prog Power? Can I do it over the phone or does he have to register to post in the Prog Power forum? :confused:
There are some really good posts in this thread. I think all sides have represented their feelings and analysis on the Amorphis slot rather well. As for my me, I have to push the envelope every now and then. If not, the festival will stagnate. Even the most devoted attendees will eventually start to get bored and drop off. As I said on my forum, you have to stay ahead of the curve, not in the middle of it. If that means taking some heat early on, so be it. Once people stop buying tickets, then I will know I was wrong.

I've taken much more vocal heat for some bookings in the past such as Mercenary, Orphaned Land, and Freak Kitchen. All three did rather well after people gave them a chance.

For the most part I've loved every band that was labeled as an odd ball, in some cases more than the standard "progpower" genre bands so I'm always going to be for this type of thing being done with the fest.
kinda wish you would instead of this thread/

You are on a roll today!!!!!

Punkin - Why does it bother you that we are discussing it on this forum?

Glen seems to be interested in our opinions, and has expressed his gratitude in what we have to say. No one has been disrespectful towards Prog Power and / or Powerfest in this thread.

I think anyone who attends metal festivals would be warranted to comment on any festival in a constructive manner. It's not like anyone came on here who hasn't been to a fest and said, "Wow, that lineup sucks" or "Wow, that's the greatest thing since sliced bread!"

I think this has been a constructive conversation.

If Rob and Chris think otherwise, then they can certainly feel free to lock the thread.
Are the promotors of Powerfest the same as the promoters of Prog Power? I don't think so. Besides, I'm not speaking about what the promoters think. I'm talking about the fact that if you want to speak about prog power, go to that forum and do it. It's pointless to do it here. Most of the people who care about that fest would be hanging on that forum...not here.

Dude there's several hundred other threads on this forum, go read one of those if you don't like this one.
I never said you couldn't discuss this or any other fest. I'm just saying that it's pointless. Most of the people that would care about that fest would be on that board. For example, if I wanted to talk and hear about tap dancing, I wouldn't go to a ballet dancing forum. Know what I mean?

BTW, saying a lot of Chicago people go to PP is not a valid point for talking about it here...not unless you can say a lot of people that attend Chicago Powerfest attend that fest....and that is just something you will never know.

Umm, having been to both fests I can say yes a lot of the same people that attend powerfest that live in Chicago also attend prog power so just stop before you look like even more of a dumbass.
I never said you couldn't discuss this or any other fest. I'm just saying that it's pointless. Most of the people that would care about that fest would be on that board. For example, if I wanted to talk and hear about tap dancing, I wouldn't go to a ballet dancing forum. Know what I mean?

BTW, saying a lot of Chicago people go to PP is not a valid point for talking about it here...not unless you can say a lot of people that attend Chicago Powerfest attend that fest....and that is just something you will never know.

Tell you what... have someone make you moderator for this forum. Then, when you get extra ornery over what kind of threads are posted here and you want to make determinations about what is and is not relevant to Powerfest, you can feel free to exercise your moderator privileges and delete them, thus showing us all your true Internet, message board, and festival categorization supremacy.
I assume by the very clever "FAH-Q" and "stnuc" that this person is a friend of Rob and Chris, and, with good intentions, trying to be a moderator in their absence.

Still though, I see no issues with this discussion, other than every possible point has probably been made.
I could see Punkin's point if the whole forum were spammed with Progpower related talk, but the notion that Progpower shouldn't be discussed here in a single, solitary thread is absolutely ridiculous. There are plenty of fans that go to or have gone to both fests. If the promoters/forum mods had a problem with it, then I'm sure you'd know about it. I'm quite certain they welcome the additional exposure/discussion that this thread could indirectly generate for Powerfest.

So what if people are talking about it? Don't like it? Don't click on the thread and read it - there are tons of other threads for you to click on and either read or participate in. Bump those threads and have a blast.

due to the fact that Rob and Chris are marketing the CPF as more of a "local" fest
Wow! I really don't think you should be making that assumption...which is exactly what that is. You do not know their intentions and I find you way out of line for you to talk as if you know what they are. I'm sure you don't mean to come off that way, but I wouldn't go saying something like that unless you know 100% without a doubt that that is the case.

I wasn't going to comment on your post because I want this thread to die, but I couldn't resist about something like that.

Relax. Chris and Rob have SAID SO on this very forum on more than one occasion. I'm not making any assumptions.
Wow...quite the thread. :p Not much else I can add to the topic, so I won't.

Although...FYI...we have never censored or banned anyone or any discussion on our forum & we are not about to start now. We welcome any discussion here, and in fact, this thread is more relative to our fest than most other threads, so knock yourselves out...that is, if it's even possible to post anything else that wouldn't be redundant at this point. ;)

What's funny too regarding the request to lock this thread is that it wouldn't be nearly as big if there weren't as much differing opinions [or people just needing the last word :lol:] I'm certainly not disappointed that this one thread has had the most activity. :p Plus, I got the impression that people have been more comfortable voicing their opinion regarding this topic here, without fear of being flamed, than they would have over on the PP forum...and I think that's cool.