I'm that guy who has been standing on the stage for just about every line check and live situation with the bands for ProgPower (all of them). I think the unsung heroes are the Center Stage FOH and monitor guys. Now keep in mind, I'm not really too biased, because I have little to nothing to do with the front of house sound, nor does my crew, but we work these guys like we do. They work from 9am-2am for 3 days straight, so you can have what you have.
Picture this (those that have so much experience)...
You run the sound for the venue all year long and know the room better than anyone. You set the board for the 1st three line checks of the day. The headliner comes in and sets the entire board differently, even though they know it's a Festival. They need 12 DIs for keys on one side of the stage, they have a Strange 14 foot Flute for a 30-second intro they need mic'd, a condenser mic for the dwarf who tap dances (and needs to be mic'd), the bass drums and floor tom for the band "must be triggered"(per the band), there are laptop tracks that need to be triggered and the bassist demands to be the loudest instrument. Now their check is done and you come back to the board and have to reset it all back during the 20 minute you have forthe next band and now the bands have to be moved from the channels and EQ settings it had to accomodate all the keyboards and other channels from the headliners.
Now tell me how consistent anyone can be when there is only 20 minutes between most bands? Trust me, it's as good as it gets with the amount of bands, restrictions and variables and I've been to many festivals to attest.
These guys do this for a living... every single day. I think it's fair to think without knowing the variables that you can do it better, but believe me when I say, you probably can't.
If you stand at the front... it won't sound as good as near the board.