Prog rock on speed

The drums were finished on Friday and I'm picking up my kit tomorrow. I heard from the studio that Steve is recording his stuff fast as hell (a song an hour) and I'm looking forward to hear the twisted shit he's done.

To the people here who don't like Vintersorg's last album: You'll hate the next one too. It's a bit less black metal (if you can call it that) and even more prog rock on speed (no, not prog metal). Some of the songs are KILLER and I love the guitar work on it! Some of it reminds me a little of Queensrÿche.

- Asgeir
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winter-frost said:
I can't believe its almost finished! Steve doing a song per hour

1 song per hour
24 songs per day
168 songs per week
672 songs per month

uff, you really work hard :tickled:

Steve Di Giorgio is fuckin´ great. Check out his job in Death "Individual Though Patters". :headbang:
Since i like Queensryche , it must be a killer album . Someone lends me some dollars to buy the cd.
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BTW Vintersorg's clean vocals reminds me to Geoff tate
I didnt HATE Visions but I thought it was im kinda sad...

But of course Asgeir has my interest piqued so I'll be checking it out no matter what :tickled:
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Djöfull said:
horray! nice to hear:Spin:

4 albums with Vintersorg next year or... Vintersorg, Borknagar, Fission & Ion?

Vintersorg was saying earlier that The Focusing Blur was to be released this year. I hope that is still the case!
asgeir said:
I heard from the studio that Steve is recording his stuff fast as hell (a song an hour) and I'm looking forward to hear the twisted shit he's done.

:OMG: :hotjump:

asgeir said:
To the people here who don't like Vintersorg's last album: You'll hate the next one too.

- Asgeir

:lol: :lol: :lol:

well I suppose that the ones who love the previous album we'll love the next one ;) I really can't wait to hear it, though i can't believe that with the speed you guys record the albums you can keep that quality for so's simply amazing...

fathervic (the only laws....)
FatherVic said:
!:OMG: :hotjump:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

well I suppose that the ones who love the previous album we'll love the next one ;) I really can't wait to hear it, though i can't believe that with the speed you guys record the albums you can keep that quality for so's simply amazing...

fathervic (the only laws....) would think it would be better to take your time and make sure the quality is nothig but perfect, but I suppose when your Steve you can do whatever the fuck you want and itll come out clean :p
Final_Vision said:
I didnt HATE Visions but I thought it was im kinda sad...

But of course Asgeir has my interest piqued so I'll be checking it out no matter what :tickled:

Hey; don´t be sad...I think you´ll lke the album, it has two really soft songs, some folky, some sympho-rock, some blast....extremely creative bass and drum patterns and zillion tons of "clear" vocals.....if you´re open-minded you´ll dig this one!!! It´s a nice and fresh album!

mr V
Vintersorg said:
Hey; don´t be sad...I think you´ll lke the album, it has two really soft songs, some folky, some sympho-rock, some blast....extremely creative bass and drum patterns and zillion tons of "clear" vocals.....if you´re open-minded you´ll dig this one!!! It´s a nice and fresh album!

mr V

I didn´t like Visions... from the start either but it is a good album that really grew on me. Although I don´t like Visions... as much as the earlier ones, I will of course pick up "The Focusing Blur" the minute it is released...
At the beggining I didn't like visions, but as I was listening to it more and more I started to love some songs(Like Speglsfären, A Metaphysical Drama and Universums... the only one I liked back in th past).
I think Visions is a album that it's hard to digest, cause it has such a complex framework.
I'm looking foward to the new album... specially for these folky songs...

Good luck on the final recording and editing/mixing thing!
Vintersorg said:
Hey; don´t be sad...I think you´ll lke the album, it has two really soft songs, some folky, some sympho-rock, some blast....extremely creative bass and drum patterns and zillion tons of "clear" vocals.....if you´re open-minded you´ll dig this one!!! It´s a nice and fresh album!

mr V
whether it was intentional or not that made my hopes for the album a bit higher :lol:

I'm a huge fan of both The Enigmatic Spirit (one of my fav VS tracks period) and A Star Gaurded Coronation so the soft songs sound damn good.

Regardless I AM anticipating this album. Whether it'll have what I felt VFTSG lacked, we'll just have to see :D