Prog rock on speed

Vintersorg said:
The mixdown will be completed in a few days now!!

mr V

Hey mr V,
can we hear some sample from the new album, before the release? :rolleyes: :worship:

The euphony, and the atmosphere would be the same, what we're feeling at the V.F.T.S.G.? Whereby you compose the melodies?/Have you some habit?

I'm so curious about the new album...and can't wait:)
hehe.....we all can't wait I guess. but I'm confident we get to hear a sample soon *hint*

any more pics in the pic section as well? can't believe you only did these two shots that are up already ;)
I can't believe it too:)

The pictures are greats (killing scream by mr V :) ), but those aren't enough for fans:)

Something info about the graphics of the record sleeve?
Final_Vision said: would think it would be better to take your time and make sure the quality is nothig but perfect, but I suppose when your Steve you can do whatever the fuck you want and itll come out clean :p
Its all about the speed... when you record an album in a short time it captures the mood better, taking your time sometimes causes you to lose purpose and energy of the music
I can't wait to hear it!!! VFTSG took me a few days of listening to over and over again to get used to, but now I love it. I think the new stuff is also better because the Digiorgio is playing bass, and of course a real drummer, that is of course the best drummer in metal (Besides Richard Christy:) )

And I'm glad to hear there's some more folk stuff, although I love prog.