ProgPower do's, don'ts

I believe that both back packs and large carry bags are both banned.

I was just thinking about asking if a small daypack would be allowed so I could pack my shirts, CDs, etc. I get at the festival. I'm staying at the Super 8 and from what I've read it's impractical to try to walk there and back during a given festival day. Thus I was hoping to have something a little more sturdy than just a plastic bag or two to carry things around in.
I have revised the policy a bit, but I'm not going to make a big announcement of it. I will allow small day packs. However, they must be empty upon arrival. You cannot store anything in it including your camera until you get inside. I want to be able to quickly search them and let you in. Otherwise, the line takes longer.
This is a great recommendation for me since for the past for years, I've been trying to either fit too much stuff in my pockets, or I've ended up with sore shoulders from the things you mentioned ("Large crowds, hands in the air, juggling drinks," etc.).

Just double-checking, but are bags like these actually allowed? I thought there was a ban on back-packs, but maybe since these are more like purses they are OK to have. I would think something like this would be alright, but does anyone know for sure? Tammy, I'm guessing maybe you've used a bag like this previously, but I just wanted to be sure. I have a messenger bag I was considering using this year, but I wasn't sure if that fell into the category of back-pack or purse.

All I am referring to is having a purse with a long strap or double strap, as opposed to the bags with a short handle. It's easier to sling a purse across your chest or wear it over both shoulders (backpack style) instead of a bag that fits under your shoulder, because it makes it easier to deal with in large crowds, with your hands in the air, or whilst juggling drinks. Eventhough Glenn has clarified the 'actual backpack' rules, I'm not recommending anything larger than a small purse for the women. I'm the queen "oMGz!! I Gotta have this stuff with me!!!1!!" but it sucks to have a handful of drinks when your purse slips off your shoulder as someone walks by. :Smug: Putting the strap across yourself or having it on both shoulders prevents many sticky mishaps.
I have revised the policy a bit, but I'm not going to make a big announcement of it. I will allow small day packs. However, they must be empty upon arrival. You cannot store anything in it including your camera until you get inside. I want to be able to quickly search them and let you in. Otherwise, the line takes longer.

What about fanny packs? I might use one to store my wallet, keys, change, etc. I like it better than using my pockets, especially if I wear shorts.
Hey all,
This is going to be my first PP and I just can't wait, well, I bought tickets for last year's but we couldn't make it due work reasons. I'll be assisting to Fri and Sat shows,

My question is: How would a good Prog Power tutorial read for a n00b?


note: this is based on something that happened to me not directed at el_ace.

If you know you get really stupid and obnoxious when you're really drunk, do us all a favor and abstain for the weekend... there's alot less potential for bloodshed.
I have revised the policy a bit, but I'm not going to make a big announcement of it. I will allow small day packs. However, they must be empty upon arrival. You cannot store anything in it including your camera until you get inside. I want to be able to quickly search them and let you in. Otherwise, the line takes longer.
Thank you, Glenn. This is very helpful info. I want to get through the lines as quick as I can and make it as easy on your team as possible. If it means I can use a more comfortable bag, then it's no problem to hold onto the few items I want to store in there until I get through the line. Thanks for making this allowance for us. It is truly appreciated. :kickass:
Eventhough Glenn has clarified the 'actual backpack' rules, I'm not recommending anything larger than a small purse for the women. I'm the queen "oMGz!! I Gotta have this stuff with me!!!!!" but it sucks to have a handful of drinks when your purse slips off your shoulder as someone walks by. :Smug: Putting the strap across yourself or having it on both shoulders prevents many sticky mishaps.
I've had those same sort of sticky mishaps before - spilled liquor down your arm, shirt, shoes, etc. is no fun way to spend an evening - so that's why I was hoping to be able to use a bag that would let me avoid stuff like that and allow my hands to be free for things like :wave: and :kickass: and :rock:. Ha-ha! :tickled:
Nothing personal ladies, but DAMN I'm glad I'm not a chick. ;)
Non taken - sometimes I think life would be a lot easier if I wasn't a female, but then again it might not be as much fun. :Shedevil:
If you know you get really stupid and obnoxious when you're really drunk, do us all a favor and abstain for the weekend... there's alot less potential for bloodshed.

Truth! Most of the attendees are pretty cool and the weekend sails by without incidents of drunken douchbaggery. But that's because everyone generally knows when to say when. Generally.. :Smug:

Nothing personal ladies, but DAMN I'm glad I'm not a chick. ;)

No worries. We've got a pretty good handle on the whole female thing. :cool:

Many sticky mishaps is not necessarily a bad thing :) Oops, wrong forum lol


ew ew ew ew ew

+1 :lol:

so that's why I was hoping to be able to use a bag that would let me avoid stuff like that and allow my hands to be free for things like :wave: and :kickass: and :rock:. Ha-ha! :tickled:
:lol: Couldn't have said it better myself! :rock:
It means pictures are cool, as long as they are taken from a film-using camera. IE: If you put film into it, and have to have the film developed, then the camera is fine. Digital cameras of all sorts are off-limits.

And the no-moshing clause above makes me so happy. :kickass:
Thanks to the moshing death metallers during Therion's set, no doubt. There were almost several fights on the floor because of this. :lol:
Just buy some disposable cameras. Also, get as close to the stage as possible.:rock:
Like everyone else so far I would definitely say "pace yourself". PP is a chance for me to see one of my only other surviving friends from the high school days - so our first night in town usually results in massive hangovers :)

Definitely take advantage of any free breakfast at the hotel you are at. It IS worth it to drag your weary carcass there, because like many have said - odds are you wont be eating much once things start up.

Do say hello to anyone & everyone. I suck with names (who now Alzheimer's hit at age 40, maybe I'm just special) but I do recognize people from year to year (this is only year 3 for me). This is quite a collection of good people - from all over, and their tastes are pretty diverse. You're bound to meet some good folks here for sure.
Bring cash. You never know where you'll find an ATM, or if your fellow PPers have already drained it - and you will find that one item you can't live without at one of the vendors. Also, taking out a bunch of cash at your local bank before heading to ATL can save you precious dollars in fees - could be the difference between having that one extra beer (or cd etc) each night.

If you hear of a "meetup" or something and you are available to go. Again, the people that attend are a big part of why this has become such a special event. Whether it's lunch at Front Page News (which we were at, at same time, but didn't sit with the big group) or if you hear a bunch of people going to Six Flags, Cheetahs, the Coke museum etc - see if you can bum along. You'll have a blast and end up getting to know some of the people a lot better.

Listen for kickass tunes emanating from behind hotel doors. If you hear something you like - knock, introduce yourself & be prepared to party.
Finally, if this is your first PP Fest, the number one piece of advice I can give - be prepared to be hooked immediately. Start planning for next year - tell your boss/significant other etc, start saving money now :)

See ya there,:rock:
I hope you are wearing your Manowar shirt, Jeff! I will say hello to you if I see ya! I'll be the dude in the Strato shirt!:rock: Hail and kill!:kickass:
I hope you are wearing your Manowar shirt, Jeff! I will say hello to you if I see ya! I'll be the dude in the Strato shirt!:rock: Hail and kill!:kickass:

I'm prolly bringing one Manowar shirt - although the ex-wife fed me enough during 5 years of marriage taht it probably wont be the Hail To England shirt. It'll probably have to be something newer - from Fighting the World on - not sure I have enough desire to treadmill my way back into HTE in less than 2 weeks :)

I have revised the policy a bit, but I'm not going to make a big announcement of it. I will allow small day packs. However, they must be empty upon arrival. You cannot store anything in it including your camera until you get inside. I want to be able to quickly search them and let you in. Otherwise, the line takes longer.

This might sound a bit dumb, but what are day packs? Are they fanny packs?
Thanks to the moshing death metallers during Therion's set, no doubt. There were almost several fights on the floor because of this. :lol:
Just buy some disposable cameras. Also, get as close to the stage as possible.:rock:

I didn't really see any moshing at all during Therion's set, mostly just a lot of heavy headbanging. Anyway, the no moshing rule was put into effect after Rage at PPIV.