BOY HOWDY! Every year, we meet new, awesome people, and every year, I feel more like didn't have enough time to talk to my long time friends (like Mrs. Breed here)
Most people have mentioned it, but I would echo pacing pacing pacing. Especially with the new format and all the extras Glenn is adding now.
If you're in a close hotel, you can pick up something cold earlier in the day and pop back to the room to eat between bands. Yippee and I have fallen to the habit of grabbing Subway or getting take out from the fabulous restaurant that opened where the old gyros shop used to be. Leave it in the room fridge and then between bands, you can just go to the room, drop off your loot and eat your sammich (maybe drink a cheaper beer

) and then get back before the next band.
Do not expect the food at the Vinyl to be delivered in a timely fashion. If you think you can go down there and order and eat food between bands, think again. The orders take a very very long time to fill down there.
Do not be afraid to talk to ANYONE! Approach any person you see and say hi, introduce yourself, ask them where they came from.
Do not take anything too seriously over the course of the weekend. Many of us are quite the goofballs and we spend lots of time goofing off, being silly and otherwise doing the weird and insane. If you are offended, we are sorry, but we surely didn't mean any offense by any of our actions.