ProgPower do's, don'ts

Another word of note - take public transportation if at all possible. The MARTA (Atlanta's subway system) has a stop at the airport and a stop about a block south of Center Stage. Steve and I have used it the last two years and plan on using it again. I'm glad I'm getting a new pair of shoes just before the trip - because I know I'll be doing a LOT of walking! :ill:
Rule of thumb:

On average, 2.5 beers ~ 1 cd in terms of $$$.

Prices for cds vary from vendor to vendor, but overall, they are very good prices. The rule above should help you plan how to spend your money.

Finally, this other thread from the PP Lounge can also help. It's mostly a joke, but there is also good information.
Thanks to everyone for posting all of this info. This will be my first ProgPower, and am really getting pumped. I was getting a little worried that going solo would be boring, or intimidating. But based on the info in this thread, it sounds that it will be completely the opposite. I'm looking forward to meeting as many people as I can. :kickass:

Just 2 weeks away :rock:
Thanks to everyone for posting all of this info. This will be my first ProgPower, and am really getting pumped. I was getting a little worried that going solo would be boring, or intimidating. But based on the info in this thread, it sounds that it will be completely the opposite. I'm looking forward to meeting as many people as I can. :kickass:

Just 2 weeks away :rock:

Your gonna love it. This is my 3rd year at progpower and quite honestly the atmosphere is delightful. everyone is nice. just make sure you bring a shitload of money for merchandise! because the vendor rooms items are far too marvelous not to purchase! trust me, i get sucked in every year.:rock:
Thanks to everyone for posting all of this info. This will be my first ProgPower, and am really getting pumped. I was getting a little worried that going solo would be boring, or intimidating. But based on the info in this thread, it sounds that it will be completely the opposite. I'm looking forward to meeting as many people as I can. :kickass:

Just 2 weeks away :rock:

Definitely nothing to be worried about! Wear a smile, don't be afraid to say hi! Randomly walk into a room party and introduce yourself, be sure to tell everyone it's your first PP (it'll get you FAR! haha) and then just be yourself. I guarantee you'll have a smashingly good time! Oh yeah, the music is really good too! :D
A bit of advice for the ladies that I've learned over the years - shoulder/hand purses are more of a pain than a necessity! Put your belongings in a purse with a long strap that you can put across yourself or a backpack-like bag that goes over both shoulders. We all want to carry stuff, but it's a pain in the but to carry a regular handbag. Large crowds, hands in the air, juggling drinks, a sore shoulder.. it's just easier to put it across yourself or on both shoulders and forget about it until you need it. It will always be with you, it will be safe (most backpack bags have a latch or zipper that you could feel being undone if someone wanted to help themselves... *grr!*), and t will be out of your way. If you only want to carry small things like cash, your ticket, ID, and a credit card then you can find small pouches with long straps at Wal-Mart, Target, or sometimes the local Dollar store! Maybe it's not essential, but this simple change has made my experience much more pleasant the past 2 or 3 years.
A bit of advice for the ladies that I've learned over the years - shoulder/hand purses are more of a pain than a necessity! Put your belongings in a purse with a long strap that you can put across yourself or a backpack-like bag that goes over both shoulders. We all want to carry stuff, but it's a pain in the but to carry a regular handbag. Large crowds, hands in the air, juggling drinks, a sore shoulder.. it's just easier to put it across yourself or on both shoulders and forget about it until you need it. It will always be with you, it will be safe (most backpack bags have a latch or zipper that you could feel being undone if someone wanted to help themselves... *grr!*), and t will be out of your way. If you only want to carry small things like cash, your ticket, ID, and a credit card then you can find small pouches with long straps at Wal-Mart, Target, or sometimes the local Dollar store! Maybe it's not essential, but this simple change has made my experience much more pleasant the past 2 or 3 years.

I don't bother with purses at concerts. I wear tight pants with many zippered pockets. Does the trick quite nicely. :)
BOY HOWDY! Every year, we meet new, awesome people, and every year, I feel more like didn't have enough time to talk to my long time friends (like Mrs. Breed here)

Most people have mentioned it, but I would echo pacing pacing pacing. Especially with the new format and all the extras Glenn is adding now.

If you're in a close hotel, you can pick up something cold earlier in the day and pop back to the room to eat between bands. Yippee and I have fallen to the habit of grabbing Subway or getting take out from the fabulous restaurant that opened where the old gyros shop used to be. Leave it in the room fridge and then between bands, you can just go to the room, drop off your loot and eat your sammich (maybe drink a cheaper beer :) ) and then get back before the next band.

Do not expect the food at the Vinyl to be delivered in a timely fashion. If you think you can go down there and order and eat food between bands, think again. The orders take a very very long time to fill down there.

Do not be afraid to talk to ANYONE! Approach any person you see and say hi, introduce yourself, ask them where they came from.

Do not take anything too seriously over the course of the weekend. Many of us are quite the goofballs and we spend lots of time goofing off, being silly and otherwise doing the weird and insane. If you are offended, we are sorry, but we surely didn't mean any offense by any of our actions.

I can't possibly think of anything you could do to offend someone :lol: Looking totally forward to seeing everyone and having a great time:rock: See you all in a couple weeks!!! I echo all of the sediments here so far for the DO's & Don't so I wont be redundant. The only thing I could suggest is take care of drinks and food as early as possible. I take a shuttle to Kroger's and stock up first thing. It's just nice to get that out of the way. Hopefully your hotel room has a fridge :kickass: Also definitely get plenty of cash early. That helps...
I really hope that Center Stage recognized my complaint last year because my bartender was a total douche. Ask Milton about how pissed I was or anyone else I was with after Saturday's show last year.

Yeah, I heard about it last year in route to Biffle's room. :waah:

One thing I'd like to recomend to anyone doing some serious shopping: double bag. The plastic Century Media bags and such aren't really made for carrying you crap all over the venue, so unless you're planning on sprinting back to your room to stash it, or know someone who can hold your stuff, I'd recomend that you make sure that all of your bags are reinforced. I'd say something about a carry-on bag, but I'm not sure what the offical policy is in reguards to it.

Also, don't wear a Lamb of God shirt without expecting to take some good natured ribbing from your fellow PP'ers. =D
Last year was my first PP and I had an absolute BLAST...

The free breakfast at your hotel is a LIFESAVER... I only ate one other time over the 3 days and that was for some kick ass pizza... Food isn't high on the priority list - hell I didn't even think about it...

I think I took one pic during PP - Big ol' thanks to those that posted their pics or I wouldn't have had any... :kickass:

And everyone, and I mean everyone there, is just flat out awesome.. It's truly a big party of friends with great music - you get the respect you give all around; that goes for the crew, the bands, the patrons, the vendors, everyone... Don't be an ass and you won't get treated like one
Nope, I think for ProgPower this year sponsors and press/media can bring in any camera that does not allow video recording. So digital SLRs would be okay, but most modern digital cameras would NOT be. Glenn, is this right?

I think thats a negatory, but I hope Glenn says I am wrong. I think he banned anything non-film for this year, sponsors included.
Don't climb up the rooftop of the Granada with a Bible and some weird medicinal herbs. It gets you fucked up in the morning. *points finger at a very specific forum member*
Don't walk around the hotel showing your balls. You're not a member of Thunderstone.
Don't hit the guy on the Hawaiian shirt. Don't offend Jimmy Buffet in front of him either.
Don't EVER go up to the tall, bald, tough-looking dude and tell him "That General Zod guy is a dick!"
Don't say "Fuck You, I'm (insert name here)" to a specific forum member, his mood may ascend to a higher pissed off level.
Don't leave any alcoholic drinks unattended0 near J-Dub or Curufin.
Don't confuse AngraRULES and Angrafan. By now you guys know the deal, goddammit.
Don't climb up the rooftop of the Granada with a Bible and some weird medicinal herbs. It gets you fucked up in the morning. *points finger at a very specific forum member*
Don't walk around the hotel showing your balls. You're not a member of Thunderstone.
Don't hit the guy on the Hawaiian shirt. Don't offend Jimmy Buffet in front of him either.
Don't EVER go up to the tall, bald, tough-looking dude and tell him "That General Zod guy is a dick!"
Don't say "Fuck You, I'm (insert name here)" to a specific forum member, his mood may ascend to a higher pissed off level.
Don't leave any alcoholic drinks unattended0 near J-Dub or Curufin.
Don't confuse AngraRULES and Angrafan. By now you guys know the deal, goddammit.

Also don't say that the guy behind the NIGHTMARE RECORDS vendor table looks allot like Lance King - Cause it is Lance King

Don't say Brazilians suck in front of anyone, cause we all Love specific Brazilians.
I think thats a negatory, but I hope Glenn says I am wrong. I think he banned anything non-film for this year, sponsors included.
Quote from camera policy:
I have come to the decision that only film photography will be allowed from now on. The only exceptions to the rule are press and sponsors and even they will have to carry a special badge after Todd personally inspects their cameras.