ProgPower Flu Thread - Who's got it?!


Regor:1 Cancer:0
Sep 13, 2005
Detroit RAWK City
I know I do :(

At first, I thought I just had raw sinuses from ATL being much drier than MI is. But then driving home yesterday, I knew it was something worse. Today, I'm fucking sick as a dog :( Luckily, I requested today off work, so I could 'recoup' from the weekend... but I didn't intend on it being cuz I was sick :zombie:

I seem to get it every year :(
Oh Yeah I got it. I started getting sick on Saturday night and have only got worse from there. I had to call in sick at work today.
I sure as hell did, as most everyone knows by this point. Woke up with what I thought was a sinus infection on Saturday. I was okay through the VP acoustic set, and around dinnertime I set out to find some drugs. Started feeling really bad about 7, and by 9pm, I was rapidly progressing from 60 to 0. Went to bed for a few hours, got up at 2 to make the rounds and say goodbye while I had a brief hour of lucidity, then went back to bed. Moved into my tonsils on Sunday, and then turned into a wicked ear infection today. Went to the doc, have been informed it's probably viral, got lots of prescriptions to throw at it. Hooray?

This is why I usually take an extra couple days off after PP - I rarely need them, but boy did I this time. I actually feel mostly fine now other than the ear infection, which hurts like a bitch...
Didn't get it. I was dosing myself with 1000-1500 mg of Vitamin C per day. Plus, I was sick a couple weeks ago, so whatever it was, maybe I had already had it.
I was taking incredible amounts of vitamins but still was feeling rundown Saturday and Sunday morning was the worst on the flight home. Got home and hit the gym anyway and felt great after that (sweating flushes out the toxins nicely). Sometimes the key is to stay positive. If you feel like crap and you accept it then it often gets worse. Today I feel even better. So the secret is vitamins, healthy eating, and staying positive.
My wife went to ned Saturday night not feeling well....Sunday morning it was puke time all day until that night she was finally able to keep something down.I felt great the whole time,so maybe I escaped it
I felt sick coming home from a trip on Monday before PP, but I started pounding Airborne and using the Neti Pot to clean out my sinuses. I felt a bit nasty on Thursday, but I think I've managed to avoid sickness. I attribute that mostly to making sure I got plenty of sleep. I'm not sure how I'm going to do that next year with the longer days though.
I managed to escape it this year!

Me too, I am dry as a bone because of dehydration (which was expected) but I was literally popping airborne and Vit. C like it was candy, and washed my hands vigorously after almost every set. I think that combined with wearing a hat most of the weekend helped keep me healthy with the wild temperature changes. I did feel a bit run down on late Friday and most of Saturday, but again, self-imposed curfews for Thursday and Saturday night really kind of helped a lot, for making sure I got enough rest.
I took my vitamins, drank lots of water, picked up fruits & veggies from the Publix, got as much sleep as possible, and did plenty of hand washing.

I thought I was going to get a free pass from the PP Plague, but started sniffling and sneezing this afternoon. :ill: I'm valiantly trying to convince myself it's allergies.

Allergies. Allergies. Allergies.
Score one more for the PP crud. Every year I do more to avoid it (get more sleep, take vits, etc). Every year I come home sick. Every year the wife gets mad at me for always coming home sick.

Next year I'm going to PP in a bubble.

Steve in Philly
Don't have the flu. But my sinuses are not happy, nor my lungs. Coughing and sneezing the last day or so. First year I've come back with anything. But it could just be the change of seasons and back to dealing with this hell weather in Texas. Good thing I have the rest of the week off to recover. \m/ \m/