ProgPower Flu Thread - Who's got it?!

Addendum to our health update. my Scott has the Post PP crud and his best friend Denis as well. Despite the fact we bought a uge box of EmergenC and were taking it all thru the days. THe lack of sleep has weakened my resistance so when I had to take care of our Metal Bunnehs when we got back...yeah those allergies to hay kicked right on in! GO US!
HOW TO AVOID THE PROGPOWER FLU (after getting it 3 years in a row, I learned this simple trick the year before last and have been successful ever since):
-Take 1500mg of vitamin C every day for two weeks prior to the event. Spread out each 500mg tablet throughout the day (nature made chewable vitamin Cs... yum!)
-Continue taking the 1500 vitamin Cs every day during the event. I keep them in a zip baggie in my pocket.
-Use hand sanitizer in between EVERY set. Seriously. This may sound crazy but the guy with the sty in both eyes could have really used this. You know that usually comes from fecal matter, right? Thats... really gross.
-Take granola/power bars and small snacks with you to eat every two-three hours while you're there. This will keep your body from lowering it's immune system because of low blood sugar. Also one random huge unhealthy meal before or during the show is a bad idea, since your body is concentrating on digesting it and makes you more tired, which in turn also lowers your immune system for the time being.
-Don't eat fast food on your trip. Seriously. Pack yourself some sandwiches, bananas, and other non cancerous-cardiac-disease-type nourishment.
Hi! I'm the girl with the styes in my eye. and yeah I was doing the hand sanitizing thing all trip. I'm thinking since I rarely wear make up and wore some on Thursday night and woke up with it on Friday...that it might have been the make up.
Hi! I'm the girl with the styes in my eye. and yeah I was doing the hand sanitizing thing all trip. I'm thinking since I rarely wear make up and wore some on Thursday night and woke up with it on Friday...that it might have been the make up.

Could have been, depending on how old the makeup was. Eyeshadow should be tossed out every 5-6 months, eyeliner and mascara every 3 months.
Could have been, depending on how old the makeup was. Eyeshadow should be tossed out every 5-6 months, eyeliner and mascara every 3 months.

I figure I have a TON Of makeup to toss out and replace now and a ton of brushes to be washed....but is shopping! This is what I get for not wearing makeup all the time like a good southern woman ;)

Now to make my eye stop itching!
Now to make my eye stop itching!

Metal the EMT to the rescue!

Warm, damp, clean wash cloths over your eye (warm tap water is fine). Leave on for about 5-15 depending on how bad they itch, then change when replacing. Do not use the same cloth again or paper towels or anything with detachable fibers.

(Of course wish I could've spent more time with you this year too!)

I don't know WTH I have, but I'm hoping it's just lack of sleep mixed with lots of drinking. Why does having too much fun come with a price tag?? LOL I hope you all feel better soon!!!
I think I might be starting to come down with something. Non-stop sneezing (I never sneeze unless I'm sick) and the back of my throat feels hairy. Oh well.
I thought I was going to get a free pass from the PP Plague, but started sniffling and sneezing this afternoon. :ill: I'm valiantly trying to convince myself it's allergies.

Oh, HELL. Not allergies. Could someone please pass the NyQuil? :yell:
I'm *still* sick (four days and counting) - while the sinus/throat stuff cleared up quickly, the ear infection kicked my ass something fierce. It's improving slowly, but I was supposed to go back to work tomorrow and had to call out because I've still got balloon-head, significantly reduced hearing, and a bit of dizziness (not to mention the pain in my ear when the Advil runs out).

I don't think I've been this sick for this long in almost 12 years, and I'm so annoyed that it was severe enough to make me miss out on the last-night festivities. Why couldn't it have waited 24 hours until I got home?
Well, I had been feeling great. Only got about 5.5 hours of sleep last night before work. Felt damn tired, but healthy. Caught a bit of a nap during a break. Got off the plane to do my walkaround in Moline and when I got back on I sneezed. Flying back to Chicago, my nose started running. Now I feel like crap. Time for lots of sleep and hope I can still beat it.
Add me to the list of getting a cold, hoping to be over the worst of it before I head to Florida this weekend.
AMEN!! :worship:

HOW TO AVOID THE PROGPOWER FLU (after getting it 3 years in a row, I learned this simple trick the year before last and have been successful ever since):
-Take 1500mg of vitamin C every day for two weeks prior to the event. Spread out each 500mg tablet throughout the day (nature made chewable vitamin Cs... yum!)
-Continue taking the 1500 vitamin Cs every day during the event. I keep them in a zip baggie in my pocket.
-Use hand sanitizer in between EVERY set. Seriously. This may sound crazy but the guy with the sty in both eyes could have really used this. You know that usually comes from fecal matter, right? Thats... really gross.
-Take granola/power bars and small snacks with you to eat every two-three hours while you're there. This will keep your body from lowering it's immune system because of low blood sugar. Also one random huge unhealthy meal before or during the show is a bad idea, since your body is concentrating on digesting it and makes you more tired, which in turn also lowers your immune system for the time being.
-Don't eat fast food on your trip. Seriously. Pack yourself some sandwiches, bananas, and other non cancerous-cardiac-disease-type nourishment.
I learned about PP flu in the worst way: My nose started to run Sunday morning waiting at the Greyhound station and then I got to spend the next 14 hours on a bus getting sicker and sicker.

The next few years I made it a point to keep OJ in my hotel room and drink it. Not sure if it helped, but I haven't gotten sick since the first time.
Well shit, whoever posted about an ear infection... looks like I got that too :( My left ear is all sorts of 'plugged'

C'est moi. The infection itself has mostly cleared up after five days of antibiotics, but I got so sick of the fluid in my ear that I went back to the doc today and got some drops. I hope yours drains a lot faster than mine, because I'm getting tired of feeling like my head's in a fishbowl!

There is no hell quite like having a plugged ear, tinnitus, and being able to hear your heartbeat in your head at the same meter as "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands."