ProgPower Flu Thread - Who's got it?!

I was taking incredible amounts of vitamins but still was feeling rundown Saturday and Sunday morning was the worst on the flight home. Got home and hit the gym anyway and felt great after that (sweating flushes out the toxins nicely). Sometimes the key is to stay positive. If you feel like crap and you accept it then it often gets worse. Today I feel even better. So the secret is vitamins, healthy eating, and staying positive.

That and chugging Dayquill so your sick roommate doesn't infect you.
Was hungover a bit on Sunday, felt fine on Monday, and was sick as a dog Tues - Saturday. Head/chest cold, and a light ear infection. Nyquil & beer before bedtime seemed to do the trick, but it took a while!
I didn't want to post this until after I finished the tennis tournament this past weekend out of fear of jinxing myself, but I dodged the PP plague this year. Insert your own joke about clean living here.
I didn't want to post this until after I finished the tennis tournament this past weekend out of fear of jinxing myself, but I dodged the PP plague this year. Insert your own joke about clean living here.

If time was available, I'd tell you to bring your racquet for the next ProgPower. Imagine how awesome if one of the hotels nearby had a court...
If time was available, I'd tell you to bring your racquet for the next ProgPower. Imagine how awesome if one of the hotels nearby had a court...

I bring my racquets every time I get to go on a mini vacation. I was able to squeeze in a couple of lessons, but I won't say that I hit particularly well on 4 hours of sleep. The Midtown Athletic Club is NOT in Midtown BTW. I need to find something closer for next year. I know you have to fly to get down here, so I'll bring some spare racquets next year if you like.
If time was available, I'd tell you to bring your racquet for the next ProgPower. Imagine how awesome if one of the hotels nearby had a court...

There are public courts in a park about a 20-minute walk from the Residence. (Piedmont Park?) There were actually several of us a few years ago that talked about getting a group together, but we were never able to figure out if TSA allowed racquets as carry-on luggage, so the whole think kinda fell apart!
There are public courts in a park about a 20-minute walk from the Residence. (Piedmont Park?) There were actually several of us a few years ago that talked about getting a group together, but we were never able to figure out if TSA allowed racquets as carry-on luggage, so the whole think kinda fell apart!

Actually Milton was one of those people. :)
Despite losing my voice every year, I have only caught the PPflu once, last year. My strategy is to start taking echincea a week before and zinc cough drops three days before. I keep up with the zinc (4/day) the whole festival. I also try to get at least five hours of sleep each night of PP. I start adjusting my sleep pattern a week before, but I have a flexible work schedule so I can get away with it.
I don't usually get sick; this was an exception, and I didn't even get the standard crud! I think the last time I got sick after a PP was the year that Jon Oliva's Pain played, only because when Jon lit up on stage, so did everyone in the audience, and that was what did me in.