ProgPower mentioned again on Eddie Trunk SHow.


Sep 18, 2006
Los Angeles
Did anyone listen to Eddie Trunk last night on Sirius/XM? A caller this time gave a pretty good rundown on this years event. I think it got mentioned this time because he led the conversation with a band Eddie knew.
I'm guessing it was Armored Saint that led the discussion?

I will say that Eddie knows all about the festival. He & I have traded twitter barbs and there are some ProgPower attendees that pound on him mercilessly via twitter as well.
You guessed right. lol. I have seen the twitters, if I could figure out how to respond on twitter I would pound on him too. It was quite interesting...I think the conversation went on for about 10 mins. Of course Eddie acted like a boob not understanding how Armored St would fit but the called did try to explain it and did a pretty good job. Then the typical rush off by Eddie happened.
I think Eddie has finally blocked me on his twitter.. He can eat a bag of proverbial dicks.

This is probably my favorite one I tweeted to him

I don't understand how someone who in his mind represents all which is metal can be such a douchcanoe. When you confront him with it as well he claims its not his fault, blames VH1 Classic, or XM, never takes the blame for which all he talks about is god damn fucking hair metal.. He's been in the NJ area for years and has ALWAYS rubbed me the wrong way.. When he finally does play either Prog/Power stuff he rips into them, the ONE time I heard him play Edguy he just rips into them about how they're a shit Scorpions tribute band from Germany, (Whatever your opinion is of Edguy thats neither here nor there) but to hear this fuck from my own state rip into them? Ugh.. Fucking tool..

Sorry /rant
I'm not sure why anyone would really care about his opinion, when it is obvious that he doesn't care, and will never will, about our brand of metal. Eddie serves his community well, which are people who last bought an album in 1990 and doesn't care that there has been music created in the genre since then. The closest he comes to us is when he has Portnoy on and strokes his dick, but modern stuff he doesn't get much beyond a surface level.
Trunk is a douche. Why bother with him?

Honestly, I'd rather see other people as guests at the fest. People that "understand" the scene, so to speak.
I watched That Metal Show a few times and I was just fucking turned off by how not metal it was. It was all Kiss and Poison and Motley Crue and shit like that. Even if this festival is right up their alley, they'd never talk about it because for some reason it doesn't fit the VH1 canon.
While Trunk is the end result of what happens to a below average DJ who stays in radio long enough to 'make it', 'his' show could be a vehicle to bring in a few stray PP attendees. How he could be convinced to mention PP I don't know... may be easier to get Jim or Don interested.
While Trunk is the end result of what happens to a below average DJ who stays in radio long enough to 'make it', 'his' show could be a vehicle to bring in a few stray PP attendees. How he could be convinced to mention PP I don't know... may be easier to get Jim or Don interested.

Think people give thosev two too much credit, they're not really any different than Trunk.
For the record, I don't have anything personal against Eddie. I have invited him down in the past as a guest with all expenses paid. I told him I didn't want any type of promo in return unless he enjoyed the experience. I never even got a reply.

It basically became a running joke and I commented on twitter as a result. He took that a bit personal when I wasn't even directly addressing him. Things went south pretty quick between him and some attendees after that. I stayed out of it.
Originally Posted by Exploding Ned View Post
While Trunk is the end result of what happens to a below average DJ who stays in radio long enough to 'make it', 'his' show could be a vehicle to bring in a few stray PP attendees. How he could be convinced to mention PP I don't know... may be easier to get Jim or Don interested.

Think people give thosev two too much credit, they're not really any different than Trunk.

Maybe so, my point though was... maybe there's a way to introduce the PP concept to the show. As an example, it isn't uncommon for sponsors to be discussed in some way on a show like TMS... and cable show advertisement isn't too expensive when done through the right ad agency. Timing would be important, although maybe a bit tricky, but it would be do-able. Just a thought.
As someone said above, Trunk serves his community well.
There is no doubt that many 80s and 90s metal fans who haven't kept up have actually received NEWS from that show.

I think people forget that not EVERY metal fan since the dawn of time reads Blabbermouth daily or is on Facebook checking up on their fav bands from high school.

I will bet dollars to donuts that MANY of their core crowd first discovered that Queensryche had "a new singer named Todd" when they appeared on the show this year.

Certain bands who play the fest would appeal to a percentage of their core crowd, but the majority is not going to be interested in a european prog metal band who formed long after they got out of the scene.

I suppose all you can hope for, just like with DragonForce breaking, that some rekindle their inner metal spirit and do a little digging. (IE - An older Maiden fan through Googling them might discover all the bands they since influenced and check them out, etc).
I don't really get Eddie Trunk or why he has any appeal, outside of the people who still listen to nothing but hard rock and hair metal from the 80s. Honestly, I think Riki Rachtman has more metal cred than Eddie. :)
"metal cred"...what the hell does that mean?
For crying out loud...Eddie Trunk is mainstream; that's why he can make a living with this stuff. He has a following of fans who bought hard rock/metal music during the 80's, when it was big. When will we learn that the prog-power crowd is a niche industry...Dream Theater is about as big as one of "our" bands will get. When I read people go on and on about how Eddie doesn't get it or has no "metal cred", it really makes "us" sound like a bunch of whiny metal nerds. If you don't like his show(s), don't watch or listen to them, simple as that. Just enjoy the music you like....hell, if prog power music all of a sudden got huge, we'd probably complain that it's too mainstream and that it's not as good as when it was "our own".
"metal cred"...what the hell does that mean?
For crying out loud...Eddie Trunk is mainstream; that's why he can make a living with this stuff. He has a following of fans who bought hard rock/metal music during the 80's, when it was big. When will we learn that the prog-power crowd is a niche industry...Dream Theater is about as big as one of "our" bands will get. When I read people go on and on about how Eddie doesn't get it or has no "metal cred", it really makes "us" sound like a bunch of whiny metal nerds. If you don't like his show(s), don't watch or listen to them, simple as that. Just enjoy the music you like....hell, if prog power music all of a sudden got huge, we'd probably complain that it's too mainstream and that it's not as good as when it was "our own".

Yea, I am kinda lukewarm on the guy, but from what I have seen he does not portray himself as a fan/expert on all metal (I have heard him admit it on several occasions). He caters to certain genres and periods of metal/hard rock. I am guessing these are the genres he enjoys and he has found an audience that shares his interest. Would it be great if he covered some other bands in a genre "I" like or give cred to a amazing fest like PP? Sure that would be great, but I am not going to somehow say he is not legitimate because he does not.

I am sure if I had a show to talk about metal, there would be certain genres of metal I just would not really get into. Even though my scope might be broader than Eddies, I am sure people would accuse me of not being "tr00" because I don't really get into black metal, classic death metal or the underground stuff too much.
"metal cred"...what the hell does that mean?

It didn't really mean anything, more of a commentary on the fact that he can be very dismissive of genres and bands that don't fit his personal preferences, or that don't rake in top 10 appearances on the Billboard charts. Rachtman still has some public recognition way after his MTV days, and manages to maintain some objectivity, which Trunk really fails to do.

He often acts very much like the critic for a magazine that prefers one genre of metal to the exclusion of others, and as a result, everything else that he/she reviews tends to get short shrift.
It didn't really mean anything, more of a commentary on the fact that he can be very dismissive of genres and bands that don't fit his personal preferences, or that don't rake in top 10 appearances on the Billboard charts. Rachtman still has some public recognition way after his MTV days, and manages to maintain some objectivity, which Trunk really fails to do.

He often acts very much like the critic for a magazine that prefers one genre of metal to the exclusion of others, and as a result, everything else that he/she reviews tends to get short shrift.

Too true....lets face it, he's an oldster (I guess at age 43, I'm one too) that enjoys reminiscing about the glory days of hard rock and metal. There's only so many times hearing him wax poetic about UFO and Blue Murder before you realize that's what he's about....and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I just think it's unrealistic to expect him to be a spokesman for the prog power scene...that's just not him.
I'm 44, so I really came into my own musical world with the early 80s hard rock and prog rock, like Van Halen and Rush, and then into hair metal before bands like Helloween and Dream Theater changed my world. :)

And yeah - I don't even watch or listen to him any more.. his audience is definitely that group of people that finished up 1990-1991 and decided to stand pat. More power to them, but it does make me laugh inside when someone at work mentions something that they saw or heard on his show (I'm the only guy in a company of about 6000 people that has long hair, so everyone assumes I'm a metal head) :)