ProgPower USA IX picture thread

And I found this picture, and I doodled on it a bit :D

Argh! Wish I had not been too lazy to read all the way through this thread a few days ago. Been battling some noise issues with frustrating results and then:
there's plenty of free software around that can help you to get rid of a lot of noise in a decent way (i use neatimage, a pro version
Wow. I knew there was a lot more software out there, but hadn't gotten around to exploring it. Just the demo version of neatimage is making a huge difference.

@esa: I have a lot of the same poses as you, but your lighting is so much better. Can you share a little more on your lighting and settings? I went completely flash free and chose speed over aperature.
Surely!! I usually always have the good party pics! My band pics suck, but at least I get what's important; right?!! LOL :heh:

Exactly!!! :D Thanks for posting. The band shots are cool and all, but I LOVE seeing the "people" pics. As soon as Urban gets around to it, we'll post ours. We didn't get many, and all the band pics turned out horrible, but we'll get our party pics up soon.

Pathosray Pictures are done! Came away with 23 that were up to my standards (some just barely). Some of my favorites:

There is an obscene amount of Fabio, but he just seemed to be in front of the camera most.
Its all about the "eye" and then the editing!!! I love AceeDcee pro! I got hundreds of great shots but still editing like crazy. I have a few on my myspace page so far so you need to keep checking back.There are over 100 shots of just us partying with bands and such ,up on both my pages under Metal-Heads unite PP9!!! Go check them out and if your in any of them, grab em! Dont use the live shots without permission though! Thanks! So far only have Saint Deamon up...give me time. I am swamped at the moment! I also used a 50mm prime 1.8 and my reg 28-135 ...used about 1600 iso most the time because the lighting was terrible for photos.... They are a little grainy but still killer!!! Go look and add me if you want!
OK,....if I can get these to are some of my shots...notice how everyones photos are so differnt! Its all about everyone has a differnt perspective..which is cool!! Nice shots girl!!:headbang:
I lierally have tons more but am taking my time so I dont get burned out on editing...its too exhausting...Love to shoot hate to edit! :erk:
More of the shots will be up on my myspace and web site soon!! (as seen above!





How is it that I'm every single stinking place, but hardly any pictures of me? It's like I'm a freaking vampire or something...

Anyway, I've got a ton of fun pictures, I'll have to see about getting them up, but my computer is still Trojanated.... *sigh*


Go on my mySpace a nice porch party shot of you and yardleybates and you DO look like vampires!
Yeah the XTi works good for pretty cheap, but you still need to learn how to use a pro camera which is differnt from a point and shoot. But even they work pretty good now. Mine is a cannon 30D and am wishing for a 50D one day...Just keep practicing...thats what I did. : )
Hope everyone is doing well!! Hey Angela and Metal and Jen!!! Miss you guys!! : )
Yeah the XTi works good for pretty cheap, but you still need to learn how to use a pro camera which is differnt from a point and shoot. But even they work pretty good now. Mine is a cannon 30D and am wishing for a 50D one day...Just keep practicing...thats what I did. : )
Hope everyone is doing well!! Hey Angela and Metal and Jen!!! Miss you guys!! : )

Miss you too! Hope you're off the plane now and have a blast!

I maybe a total idiot, but I can't seem to find the PP images from this year on your website...

Ok, I'm still wading through the enormous amount of photos I took but I have to share this one with you all, 'cause it just cracks me up every time I see it.


Is it me, or does it look like Rob is giving birth? :lol:
Sorry, my workflow was rudely interrupted by a business trip this week. More images this weekend.


@esa: I have a lot of the same poses as you, but your lighting is so much better. Can you share a little more on your lighting and settings? I went completely flash free and chose speed over aperature.

Remember our exchange about shooting raw? I post-process heavily. So far Nailz, Minerva and myself are confirmed RAW shooters. The under-exposure latitude and white balance correct-ability of RAW certainly came in handy on multiple occasions.

My most common exposure was probably ISO 1600 1/125-1/160 at around f2.0. Once I catch up with the backlog, I can post a before/during/after RAW conversion sample of an image if you are interested.

Love to shoot hate to edit! :erk:

Amen to that.