ProgPower USA XIII Picture Thread

Thanks for the kind words everyone. Here are some for Kamelot! Criticisms and all feedback definitely welcome.


Some very nice shots! I like these two in particular. Well done.
Took a special request from Antony and went back through my shots of Amaranthe for what will be the last time ... ( ಠ_ಠ ) ... until my other sets are complete. On to Redemption.

Well, there are many more, but I'm just going to post a favorite right now and hope to have time to post more later. Amaranth.
Sorry in advance for the somewhat lengthy and potentially confusing post. This is what I get from being absent from the photo thread for a while. I've tried to address all the great photos being posted in the last few pages. Allen, Esa, and Patrick have all been putting out super content, but I expected nothing less.

Nice work Jem especially for shooting from the seats and at 6400. I think we ran into each other at the Vanden Plas acoustic show last year and talked photography.

A few more


Here's a different angle from a few seconds later.


Stephen and Allen chimping backstage. Actually, they were debating Canon vs. Nikon user interfaces, but neither one could locate the rear curtain flash sync setting in their cameras.


D800 ISO 4500 1/125s f3.5 flash (with rear curtain sync)

Thanks for this one Esa!

ProgPower USA has some of the best photographers in the business.

Esa, Allen, Stephen and Patrick... wow. You guys are all amazing.

Thank you! I'm so glad I had the opportunity to photograph the fest with Allen and Esa this year.

Nice timing Midihell!

Nice Amaranthe preview AMBR, looking forward to seeing more of your photos.

Mosquito, wow! I won't repost your shots as this post is already long enough, but you really have some great work in there. Especially considering the lighting during Primordial's set you fared quite well. Can't wait to see the rest of your shots from the fest.