I didn't say they were headlining. They're playing the Wednesday show. I hope it goes well because their is a lot of dislike for PoS on this board. Seeing that building empty out is proof and that was 11 years ago when they were at their peak.
Actually, Pain Of Salvation is co-headlining Saturday night in addition to the Wednesday night show.
I really just feel the need to point out how pretentious you're coming across here. I can only hope you just don't see it, and that this isn't actually how you really intend to present yourself:
How can you possibly say that seeing a crowd disperse after Blind Guardian's set 11 years ago is any sort of reflection of the climate toward PoS on this forum? I've been going to PPUSA for the better part of a decade and I didn't sign up on this board until 2007.
Further, I haven't seen much dislike on this board for PoS. I have seen a lot of healthy spirited debate, and of course the one or two trolls *ahem* chiming in with their irrelevance, but I would hardly say that this is a hostile place for fans of PoS or for the band itself.
Lastly, while I dig Blind Guardian, I don't think that they are so great that Pain Of Salvation couldn't keep up. PoS is the better band by far and away for a multitude of reasons, in my opinion. It's a different group of people who get it. PoS is not a band with a million rabid, slavering fans who will follow along and buy everything they do simply because it's PoS. That's a power metal fad. Those of us who truly appreciate the intrinsic value of the group and their music, writing and performances are a smaller, closer-knit community. A smaller number of people at a performance is not necessarily indicative of a band's popularity, and the fact that they were at a high point in their career actually corroborates my point.
I'm sure you're a great person in a lot of ways, and I commend your interest in sharing your views in a public forum.
That being said, sometimes it's best to keep your thoughts to yourself. Nobody here, least of all Glenn and his hard-working compatriots, should have to be subject to your negativity, classlessness and lack of tact.

I can't believe I get to see Pain Of Salvation twice in one week. SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY.