ProgPower V - Sept 17/18, Atlanta


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Here's the roster for ProgPower V (9/17 - 9/18):

Into Eternity (!!)
Wuthering Heights
Tad Morose
Headliner: Kamelot (!)
Headliner: Pain of Salvation
Headliner: Savatage (original line up including Jon Oliva and Zak Stevens - world exclusive) (!!!)
Headliner: Edguy (!!!!!!!!)

Is it the best line up yet? At minimum, I think it matches PP III. :cool:

So who's thinking about going?
well if they dropped 10 of those bands and replaced them with a newly reformed Arcane Sun, Graveland, Today is the Day, Neurosis, Morrigan (damn this band is good), Isis, Scald, Aeternus, a newly reformed Acid Bath, and a newly reformed Mindrot, then yeah, I'd definitely go.
That sounds brilliant.

Savatage original lineup - that is gonna be awesome. Where do I sign up?

I am drooling that Edguy are gonna be there - plus these guys are really cool to get drunk with, mind you the bass player (Eggy) - sp? has some difficulty with alcohol control. :)
Dark One said:
Count me in. That sux about Shaman, as that would've been my personal interest piquer, but hey, what can you do? As long as my RC brethren are in town, a good time is all but guaranteed. :)
Hey man - sorry about the weekend btw. I was just wiped out for the two days after Opeth.

Glenn's doing the right thing by putting on Edguy last. Had it been Pain of Salvation, the audience would have left. Same thing happened with Rage apparently. Edguy are the band to keep the people in the arena. As much as I love the 'tage, I'm sold on Edguy! And this time they get a full set!
ChiefB said:
mind you the bass player (Eggy) - sp? has some difficulty with alcohol control. :)
Only when trying to balance a bottle of Jaegermeister on his head, whilst sitting next to Jon Schaffer. :loco: Oh well, at least he doesn't talk politics!
You know, the more I think about it, getting Savatage to put that lineup together for this show is truly remarkable. Keep in mind this is a band that headlined Wacken for Mel Gibson's sake.
True that. World Exclusive appearance, and they'll be playing material they've never played live before.

People will fly from around the world to see this Savatage appearance, it'll probably never happen again. PP V will sell out in hours no doubt.
Dark One said:
Count me in. That sux about Shaman, as that would've been my personal interest piquer, but hey, what can you do? As long as my RC brethren are in town, a good time is all but guaranteed. :)
Screw Shaman! Andre Matos is notoriously outspoken about American policy, and doesn't like us too much. So eff 'em.
markgugs said:
Screw Shaman! Andre Matos is notoriously outspoken about American policy, and doesn't like us too much. So eff 'em.
Really? Man, I didn't know that, I guess I was just thinking about it from a musical standpoint. Well, the show still looks to be awesome anyway. I didn't realize a potential Savatage appearance would incorporate all of the original bandmembers. HELL YEAH!!
JayKeeley said:
Only when trying to balance a bottle of Jaegermeister on his head, whilst sitting next to Jon Schaffer. :loco: Oh well, at least he doesn't talk politics!
LOL! I thought it was going to come to blows at several points throughout the evening.

BTW, just to be safe, I reserved a 2 bed suite at the Granada (already sold out). I can always cancel if everyone decides to book at another hotel and everything. I can fit up to 5 I believe, so Jay, Mark, Amman and Erik, let me know if you're interested. If you'd prefer another hotel, please keep me in your plans and we'll all help each other keep the costs down. Bring it on!! :headbang:
Dark One said:
LOL! I thought it was going to come to blows at several points throughout the evening.
I actually missed the debate with Bear, I just heard about it, heh.

BTW, just to be safe, I reserved a 2 bed suite at the Granada (already sold out). I can always cancel if everyone decides to book at another hotel and everything. I can fit up to 5 I believe, so Jay, Mark, Amman and Erik, let me know if you're interested. If you'd prefer another hotel, please keep me in your plans and we'll all help each other keep the costs down. Bring it on!! :headbang:
That's cool, although there's something nice about seeing your own skid marks in your own hotel bathroom. :lol: Seriously though, that's very cool you already have that room because the thing about hotel rooms is that you can always cancel pretty easily. Flights are a different matter....

Oh, and I doubt if Erik will fly over for this, even though I know he's a closet Brainstorm fan. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Hey man - sorry about the weekend btw. I was just wiped out for the two days after Opeth.
No problem, I figured as such you old man. :D But an old man with his own family to worry about. You should've seen us Sunday, we almost rivaled Cleveland and Wacken for day after partying soul-rot. Well.... almost. Heh.

JayKeeley said:
Glenn's doing the right thing by putting on Edguy last. Had it been Pain of Salvation, the audience would have left. Same thing happened with Rage apparently. Edguy are the band to keep the people in the arena. As much as I love the 'tage, I'm sold on Edguy! And this time they get a full set!
Agreed. POS is a perfect time for me to regroup for the awesome show that Edguy is going to put on to end the festival. This, Savatage and Into Eternity are reasons enough to head down.