Progpower VIII


Dec 5, 2003
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Hey gang,
It's Anakin here again, doing the cheerleading over at the PP forum for Enchant to be mixed up in Progpower for 2007.........

But here's the know, Glenn has some general rules he follows for bands to appear at the show. One of the main rules that seemed to make or break last year was the release of an album by the band in the same year of progpower's show. So before I start waving the Enchant flag and wasting Glenn's time and my own, I was wondering if that is even a remote possibility for Enchant in 2007. I know that is hard....and I seriously am not fishing for a response if it is going to be a surprise by the band or anything. I am just knowing that Glenn is NOT bringing the band if there is no album release prior to the show by the band.....and especially in Enchant's case since it has been a few years since a studio album has been released.

So, should I start cheerleading yet?

I know I already have as always man :kickass:

Between you, me, Rick from Odin's Court, and UncaKev (nyucka!!), we got a solid base going over there.....

I truly have to say that I am impressed with people there I wouldn't think dug Enchant putting them ontheir list of bands they'd like to see appear at PP next....

The love is out there!!:rock:
Dave, Jason

Hey you guys Kev, and Rick have gone above and beyond with your support and efforts. There are many more as well.

We have seen the love and again we really apreciate the efforts. Thats a hell of a thread and a lot of support. We don't want people getting so crazy with this that it begins to bug Glenn. He does a great job and really puts on a hell of a show each year. He has guidelines and a really good plan and has a pretty good folmula thats working I would say.

Yes Jason we would need to have a new one out, not only for Glenn but for us to make money. Everyone makes more money and the trip and expenses are better covered this way. We would have to go in with a solid product, and a very HEAVY set. Which we would. We had to take some time off and recalibrate things and just have some time away from this for a while. I know it is tough for fans but it is important we have taken some time off.

As far as a new one in 2007 thats the plan.

As far as us being heavy enough or metal, most of the bands who are contacting us to headline shows with them are just that. And have played PP already. So I really don't think thats an issue. It is having a new release next year which we plan on having out.

Again you guys are the best and thanks a ton!