Programming Drums in PT...


Mathew Cohen
how do you program drums in PT?

I have this highly inefficient way of doing it.... basically drawing in each hit... which sucks... and by the time I've got a couple measures, I've lost my inspiration...

I've got an M-Audio Axion 49 key midi keyboard with 8 drum pad things on it... not sure of how to set it up in PT... or even if I can...
Honestly, don't do that to yourself. Go get Cubase or something else that's MIDI-friendly.

+1. I'm not enough of a masochist that programming in PT is worth my time. I have a version of Cubase LE kicking around that I use for programing. If I really want to get serious programming hardware synths, I'll boot up OS 9 o_O on my old iBook and use the old Opcode software. I've kept it around for years solely for that purpose. Cubase has pretty well supplanted that for me these days, though. I just export the MIDI file and drop it into PT.

There's gotta be a decent free sequencer around for the PC guys. I'm on Macs exclusively, so I've gotta pay if I want anything useful.
I use guitar pro for programming MIDI. So much easier IMO then using Cubase MIDI editor. I then use Cubase for velocities and such.