What window is this in PT? (drum programming, MIDI view)

That's how MIDI looked in Pro Tools 7.4. All MIDI editing was done in the track lane and could not be achieved in a separate window. Believe me, the new dedicated window is much more accessible and easier to edit with; the old way was a pain in the arse.
The diamonds occur squarely "on" the grid, while traditional piano-roll notes occur "at" the grid - it looks incredibly wrong to my eyes to have it this way.

Still doesn't change the fact that you can't relabel/organize the grid, which is the biggest issue with piano-roll based drum programming.
WAAAAH CuBumdo is better at MIDI WAAAH!
I'm used to drawing in the notes.
Don't see what all the fuss is about.
WAAAAH CuBumdo is better at MIDI WAAAH!
I'm used to drawing in the notes.
Don't see what all the fuss is about.

Just because you're used to doing it with a program that makes it harder doesn't mean the other program doesn't do it better :P

Like Jeff said the only real barrier for me with MIDI in PT is the inability to alias the note rows so you can see you are drawing in a "Snare" hit instead of a note at F#5 or something.