Progressive Death Metal


Apr 19, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Just finished 2 songs in 1 12 hour day Saturday and 4 hours mixing on Sunday. The things that bothered me were mostly the guitars. Probably could have gone with less gain. Highhat was also placed right under where the overheads were pointing and picked up a little more than I would have cared for. Usually the drummers have them more to the side.

Guitars were all 5150 single tracked L and R.

Drums are Slate 1.5 Elite samples 100% Kick #5 and 50% blend of #3 Snare and Fat Toms, all Z1.

Bass was all Direct.

Great Band.
The guitars sound pretty damn good, really raw and Swedish-death style (a la old Edge of Sanity, Dismember, etc.) though I agree less gain would've helped, and also they seem to be clipping a fair amount. They seem to be a bit loud as well, the snare and kick are a bit masked. What a versatile amp the 5150 is - what cab did you run it through, and what channel?
What a versatile amp the 5150 is - what cab did you run it through, and what channel?

Interesting you should ask.

I thought I would try the 5150 Green Channel on the Left and Red Channel on the Right.

I used a Maxon OD808 with the overdrive around 7-8 o'clock.

Green Channel Pre-Gain was around 7.

Red Channel Pre Gain around 5.

Post Gains at 4.

High around 5 or 6.

Mid around 3

Low around 7

Reso set around 8

Presense set around 8 or 9.

Cab was a Marshall 1960B replaced with Vintage 30's.

Mic'd with an SM57 off the outside center edge of the dustcab.

Fed into a Presonus ADL600.

Guitar was an ESP LTD M-Series with EMG81's.

Yeah, like I said I was most dissapointed with the guitars.

They came off a little harsh and it clouds the mix a bit.
Just picked up a Mesa Recto 4x12 oversized Cab. Really tempted to Reamp the guitars through it. The bands already happy so I don't know if I want to invest more time in it. I'll be recording another band this weekend so maybe I will wait and see how that goes.
thats a really talented band man and its a great mix too .. only thing i have to say is that the guitars at some parts sound like they are clipping or something

but awesome stuff though
Awesome blend on everything and I like the band as well. I would have no idea this didn't come from a Big Pro Studio for some record label if I wasn't on this board. Your talent is very inspiring, man. The quality is amazing.