Progressive Tech Breakdown Metal... Rate It!


Audio Engineer/Musician
Nov 2, 2010
Clarksville, Indiana
A clip from a new band I'm recording called I, Centurion. Guitars are DI, I'm using Overloud TH1 as the ampsim, compression, and T-Racks 3 to give it punch, Bass is DI, Overloud as ampsim, TSE B.O.D., compression, EQ, then T-Racks 3..., and drums right now are Superior (Kick is replaced with my own sample, snare is replaced with NSGuitar's Processed Snare, and toms/cymbals are just superior). Also, T-Racks 3 for mastering.

EDIT:, Centurion Monster Clip Master.mp3 New version with Bass and some newer tweaks. I think I'm actually getting some breathing/pumping during constant/fast double bass parts. I'm not if its the kick and bass colliding, or an EQ issue, but hopefully you guys can help. Peace
Sounds good to me.. Although this breakdown stuff is quite annoying (the intro was promising!)
haha i know right. the rest of the song actually isn't that bad, but i made the drums for this for fun because i knew the rhythm. they've yet to record them. but thanks man, is there anything at all you would change with the sound?

by the way... the first breakdown with no leads behind it is almost the exact same rhythm of Veil of Maya's song Pillars of their first album. look it up and compare them!
Mh.. maybe bring the China and the Toms down a tad... But nothing major, sounds really good.

BTW: Your kick sample seems to be nice.. Wanna share? :D
... Progressive breakdown metal? Surely you realise what an oxymoron that is?
I was just thinking out loud. It seems like every band these days believes their music is "technical". Well, that's subjective if you think about it. I mean, what's technical? What's progressive? There needs to be a norm established in order to have contrast which establishes "progression". I mean, this music is a little progressive from the simplest of simple pop rock but is a joke compared to the likes of Necrophagist. If there is no scale established the word becomes trite and quite honestly invalidates any description and becomes a word meaning nothing.
those are very valid points, and i would never compare this band to necrophagist because they over simplify most things they write and are very repetitive in their writing. i merely titled this post "Progressive Tech Breakdown Metal" as a joke (hence the word breakdown) haha. like gereth said, it's an oxy-moronic phrase.
Ok, these are just my two cents... I really respect Necrophagist for their skills and stuff.. But they're overdoing things, I just don't enjoy their music. And guess what, I'm into progressive music, I love Fates Warning for example.. But when it comes to Necrophagist, I personally prefer listening to something like Celtic Frost over their stuff... Anyways, sorry for being OT
Just droppin by to give you props for recommending Minus the Bear... Awesome band! Second superb band i discovered recently, besides Coheed & Cambria (I know, it sounds retarded it took me so long to cross their paths :D )