Prometheus (spoilers inside)

Ive heard of this but not seen a trailer yet. This is set in the Alien universe right?

Yes, Prometheus is set in the Alien Universe.

Also, you should consider yourself lucky to have not seen a trailer yet; going in blank is the best way to go.
I thought it was good, not great. It felt very uneven and lots of things happened to serve the story and not the characters. Which resulted in lapses in logic.
Heard in an interview with Scott that he had a few (what sounded like) key pieces of story that dIdn't get into the film.Maybe a directors cut is needed.
I myself am not. Just disappointed. Scott's track record with my movie preferences isn't that great so I was hoping he'd answer more then he does.
Yes, there was some good acting in the film, regardless of the faulty logic. Fassbender and Theron were awesome, just in the wrong movie. Should have kept them for the Blade Runner sequel. Guy Pierce was good, just not needed. His performance in the vignettes online was very good.
I think the main problem was the script forced characters to do things that people would not have done, therefore they served the script, not the character.
I thought it was pretty good. In fact I'd like to see it again to pick up on anything I missed the first time. Also, I would not mind being raped by Mr. Fassbender.
I really appreciated the way the urns of doom juice in the first room were set up just exactly the way the alien eggs would be in the ship later, as if the alien form was unconsciously mimicking their origin somehow.

I also wonder - did the Nostromo really wake its crew to investigate a "signal of unknown origin," or do all future Weyland-Yutani ships have secret programming to respond the the distress signal that the lifeboat from the Prometheus would broadcast, to find out what ever became of the original Weyland and his quest for immortality?