Promotion and Employee Appreciation.


Dec 6, 2005
Hi everyone,

Been reading a lot just not much to contribute really. But after reading about your tirade Sue, and how nice your managers are to you when things go well.

I myself just earned my first promotion at my job. Last year i changed departments but management didn't feel i was worthy that time of being promoted, but this review my current boss gave me one. :)

But Employee Appreciation, we win survey after survey from US News and World Reports for the best hospital for like the past 17 years, and they always come back to us with some schmaltzy cheap chinese made gift. :err:

There's got to be at least 20,000 to 50,000 employees if not more that recieve these things. Most of us look at them and just think of better ways the money could have been spent.

Id take a free lunch over something that cost more to store and ship than to actually make.

PS... you hear about my place of employment on the news all the time...usually involves reserchers. :)
I agree. Ill take a free lunch over some cheap ass coffee mug. My new job gives 1% to 2% raises on your basic salary, ill take a few of those!:headbang: