Proof that In Flames sucks:

With the post made about a week ago, I would say quite a few of us actually enjoy this. How is this proof that In Flames sucks?

The beauty of music is a wide range that leaves enjoyment for every living person. If you don't like a genre, doesn't necessarily means it sucks. It means it's just not down your alley. I can't stand American music on the majority, but so be it. Obviously millions of people do, so it's a good thing it exists. Something sucking is simply a matter of opinion.
You can and will never be able to prove that any kind of music sucks.
It's all just personal opinions, which obviously is different.
You can and will never be able to prove that any kind of music sucks.
It's all just personal opinions, which obviously is different.

Oh yeah? Well I think that screamo and crunkcore suck balls dry.
It's screamo guys rapping.
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I think the only people who listen to crunkcore are musically retarded hardcore kids.
I also think that most deathcore is a bunch of noise.
I think they blended the two styles of music really well. The clean vocals are killer, some of the best I've heard in ages.
I agree. Wasn't expecting a positive opinion from you though, I thought you were one of those infamous ''Old-IF only'' fans :p No offence meant btw, I just assumed. I think this it is in this vein Anders will do his vocals on the new album.
I just hope he lets loose his amazing low death-growls more frequently on this album. Off-Topic question Grand Design, are you an old-fan only or do you like it all? You seem to think older albums is somewhat superior though according to your Top-5 list :p Btw here have some :Spam:
I guess I'm a mid-album fan because I like Colony - Reroute a lot. I also like The Jester Race a shit ton, Whoracle is good but not as appealing as the others for some reason, then, the newer albums come next. I can enjoy the new stuff but it's never going to touch the old stuff imo. Jester Race - Reroute, and even Lunar Strain and Sub are pure genius.

But yeah this song is great. I don't get why this song "proves that In Flames suck" because it's better than anything on ASOP imo.
I really hope they use more energy on the next album, because ASOP was lacking balls to me.
You can't really prove that a band sucks. It's subjective so the band may mean something else to a different person.
Yup, 100% correct. That is the biggest problem with metalheads, and especially elitists. They think all of their opinions is factual, and superior to everyone elses. They don't seem to understand that their opinion is only subjective and it's impossible to define good/bad within music since it all has to do with personal taste.
Being a concert promoter I have worked witht he guys in BrokNcyde and they are disgusting. they are so fucking drunk they cant stand and they fuck 15 year olds if they know they wont get caught. Fact. There was probably 250 young girls there and they make up the screamer guy so much in the video its crazy, his face looks like a cheese grater and all the girls including their mothers, I have seen it, try to fuck them. God Im gonna listen to the new Accept now and forget i ever worked that show.