ProTools M-powered quirks


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
I was wondering if any of you guys could clarify some things for me in regards to m-powered. Firstly, I haven't been able to find a solid source which explains whether m-powered sessions are inter-compatible with LE and HD sessions, or not. I read in Sound on Sound mag that apparently m-powered sessions can be imported into LE and HD sessions, but is it the same vice versa?

Secondly, is it really true that it doesn't have low-latency monitoring? There's no 'ASIO' equivalent? I'm essentially screwed if I use Guitar Rig in conjunction with it?

Could anybody else maybe shed any light on this? I'm pretty torn on which interface to focus on when it comes time for the upgrade. If the M-Audio stuff at the very least has the functionality of ProTools LE, then I won't hesitate in getting an M-Audio interface and some outboard pres. But these rumours of a lack of low-latency monitoring and inter-compatibility make it slightly more than useless to me.
Moonlapse said:
Using ProTools M-powered, and actually processing effects in real-time (not direct monitoring)?

I'm using MPowered with my Firewire1814!
This combination ROCKS!!!

I record Guitars through the Sansamp Plugin and i never had problems with latency so far.

Maybe the Guys at the DUC (Digi-Forum) can help you with your questions.

Just check if you have a ENE1410 Cardbus Adaptor installed. If so, you need a little Filterdriver from ECHOto make it run properly.
The Ene1410 is a Chipset that "controls the PCMCIA Slot"

Sometimes it causes minor problems like dropouts.
But with the ECHO-Util you are save.

BTW - You only need to worry about it if you are on a Notebook!
Yeah, thought as much, haha. Cheers, not doing any recording on laptops any time soon. The card would definately be for a PC system.

So you have no troubles getting low-latency real-time effects processing at all using ProTools M-powered? That's really curious, considering Sound on Sound said M-powered was void of any low-latency monitoring. But I mean that's really great to hear. Provided the sessions are inter-compatible with LE and HD session files, that's more than enough incentive for me to buy into this gimmick :)

As i said i use the Sansamp Plugin , the Stock Plugins and i had no Problems but i think it's Softwaremonitoring! But it works great!!!

I'm on a 1,6 Ghz AMD Laptop with 512MB RAM an 5400RPM Internal HDD and a 7200RPM external (USB2 -it works!!!!)
I recorded up to 24 Tracks and had no Problems with some Comps and EQs and Reverbs and Synths....

I would definatly go for the Firewire1814, and if needed a Behringer ADA8000
so you get a total of 16 analouge ins!

This Combination is imho great!!!
Nice, thanks. Not entirely sure what interface would suit me best at the moment though. Not particularily sure about geting a Behringer AD/DA converter either... it seems like too vital a task to trust to their equipment. I just came back from the studio facility where I study at, and noticed that about 4 of our 6 Behringer compressors were marked as 'broken'.