PS3 exculsive: MAG

I'm playing it, fucking awesome. I shit myself everytime I play a domination round :D
i really wanna get MAG, looks fucking awesome. i might trade some stuff in
This is the first i heard of it,ive been living in a hole recently with call of duty:loco: Whats it like playing with sooo many people??The maps must be huge!!!!
The maps are pretty big. Another thing I will say is that this game is definitely a team game. It doesn't really work if you just want to go off on your own and own people, no matter how good you are 10 on 1 is not going to work.

My only complaint is that the boolet that came with the game doesn't tell you dick. It should have at least outlined the mechanics a little (like leveling up etc...)

It's quite a bit different online than COD since there is the ability to run into large packs of players, but when you get a game where your team is working together then it's fucking sweet!

I'm going to give the demo a try today and report back if it's an accurate representation of the full game.
^ YUP, I gonna get it. its developed by zipper interactive, the same people that created the first few SOCOM''s
hah, i bought it.
traded in 8 games and with a 20% bonus on trade in prices, i had £47 and the game was 40, so i chipped some extra money and got MGS4 too.
gonna get online in a little bit, someone wanna play?
MGS4 and MAG? The only games I own. Good choices :headbang:

About the whole CoD thing, I'd say it's pretty similar, I like the class system in this game a lot though.
fo sho, i will add you tonight loren.
look for an add from Knowing_Slinky
hah, i bought it.
traded in 8 games and with a 20% bonus on trade in prices, i had £47 and the game was 40, so i chipped some extra money and got MGS4 too.
gonna get online in a little bit, someone wanna play?

MGS4 is the best game ever created by man