Psilocybin Mushrooms

Originally posted by redblueyes
I have never had a mushroom.

I feel deprived.

While we're at it, I have never had psillobite tea either (or whatever is mentioned in that Tiamat song). Man, I suck as a druggie, huh! :grin:

I haven't been high since Amsterdam. HELP ME>>>>>>>>>>>>
I'm desperately wanting a good buzz.


You lucky bastard....i want to goto Amsterdam :cry:

i never have done shrooms.....or cid.......i dont want to worry about my brain bleeding.....but wut ever floats ur boat:spin:
i toke alot....but i should cut back cuz i cant remember shit...and its hard to memorize licks on the guitar now....:(

:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: <---isnt that creepy?
"i dont want to worry about my brain bleeding" by WarHead

are you serious or only kidding... if you are serious that is some funny shit, never heard that one before about shrooms or LSD... I tend to believe that mushrooms are here for the purpose towards an ever greater evolution of our kind, but hey to each his own...
lol.,.,.it might not do it to anyone else....but i always have bad luck when it comes to'll be the first case of brain bleedage from shrooms.,.,.hehe.,.,
hahaha sorry to hear that, I know what your saying about smoking too much reefer... short term memory loss... learn a song one night, pick it up the next day... oh shit how did I already forget that hahahaha, take it easy

From my studies (pure reading, no physical tests) I've come to learn that psilocibyn (on of the psychoactive parts in psiloshrooms) oxidate with heat... there for you shouldn't like put them on a pizza and then in the oven and such, put them on afterwards :)

But as for smoking, it should be the same, but there's ppl who still get high while smoking shrooms, and others don't.
Originally posted by DracWell

But as for smoking, it should be the same, but there's ppl who still get high while smoking shrooms, and others don't.....................................i've tried that do get high but it's not really smoking alittle kind bud........eating them is MUCH better.....unfortuately i get the chance only every two yrs. or so..