Psychologist's Stereotypes and Metal


Nov 19, 2001
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Anyone see what this psychologist said about metal-- in response to Dimebags death? I hate it when psychologists simplify, well I hate psychologists in general, as they are fucking hacks. Anyway, I think his comments are indicative of the American publics attitude toward metal fans, hence I was wondering how everyone feels about these stereotypes?

Dr. Reed Meloy, a San Diego-based forensic psychiatrist who specializes in celebrity stalking cases, told that the profile of "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott's shooter, Nathan Gale, fits the pattern of other killers ? such as Mark David Chapman, who murdered John Lennon 24 years to the day before Gale killed Abbott ? who first feel attached and then betrayed.

"It's likely a lot of his identification with this band was a way to replace the blighted area of his life," Meloy said. "He feels he's part of the band, the band has personal significance for him. There's great ambivalence played out in a lot of cases. The shooter idealizes the target, and then a few months later they kill them."

It is a biography that, music experts say, is probably typical of many of the young, working-class white males drawn to the metal culture of groups such as PANTERA. The screaming guitar riffs of Abbott's music and the lyrics of alienation, in a sense, brought him together with his killer, and Gale's fanatic attraction to the music somehow brought him to murder one of its makers.

"Metal is outsider music, non-mainstream," said Brad Tolinski, editor of Guitar World magazine. "The people attracted to it are outsiders, on the outskirts of society. It speaks to their problems. They identify with it very strongly and invest a lot in the bands, that express what they can't express.
O Brad Tolinski, I remember when you were cool... oh wait, no I don't. Your magazine was good for several years, but you were always an idiot.

I dunno, I can understand the "outsider" thing if you are one of those fans that only listened to metal for a few of their teenage years or something, I knew some people like that. But the non-mainstream comment is pretty weak, considering that metal was one, you know, FUCKING HUGE, and there are still a lot of metal-ish bands that are pretty big.
"It's likely a lot of his identification with this band was a way to replace the blighted area of his life," Meloy said. "He feels he's part of the band, the band has personal significance for him. There's great ambivalence played out in a lot of cases. The shooter idealizes the target, and then a few months later they kill them."
Shit, this means I'm going to go out and kill all those chicks in Playboy I choke it to, somebody better lock me up!
I agree with what the psychologist said. That profile probably did fit the kid. It's the journalist that then applies that profile to all/many metal fans. That's the part that pisses me off.
speed said:
"It's likely a lot of his identification with this band was a way to replace the blighted area of his life," Meloy said. "He feels he's part of the band, the band has personal significance for him. There's great ambivalence played out in a lot of cases. The shooter idealizes the target, and then a few months later they kill them."
Isn't this true for any kind of music, not just metal. From my experience, a lot of fans of other music are drawn to their idols too. Even much more than any metal fan I know. So, they're more likely to become killers? Nah... I think that guy was just cracked and would have done this no matter what kind of music he listens to.

I have a high likelihood of killing David Gray or Pepper Keenan then, if this is true.

Yep, and some psychologists aren't that good (I should know/don't ask). There are good ones and bad ones. Also, some psychological theories are just that.. theories. Not proven at all.
Again, I think the psychologist is talking about a person who would shoot a celebrity. The journalist is the one that is linking it back to something common in metal.
That is true.. but a lot of social rejects also listen to other types of music, too. Hehe, John Mayer.
Psychology only works when the subject desires self-improvement and the so-called expert has some sort of empathy with the patient and isn't trying to validate his own theories, I think its fundamental failing is when it tries to categorize behavior across a wide range of people into one easy diagnosis...
No, therapy only works when the subject desires improvement. A psychologist can do much to interpret and understand a person's emotional and behavior without attempting to improve it. What is your primary complaint with diagnoses?
I think you are both saying the same thing, and i totally agree with both of you--perhaps we should continue this discussion of psychology?

Warning-- Musings and Opinions:

Anyway, I really do think metal is a genre made up of outsiders. Almost everyone on this board, is a outsider in terms of musical preferences. I dont think anyone on this board would argue that popular music is preferable, and it seems we have endless flamings of anyone who dares to support a band, or even a song or album that incorporates popular influences. The nu metal movement is so despicable because not only has the music been popularized, but the culture and the acceptance of the music has as well.

However, I dont see whats wrong with being an outsider in a world of madness.

Oh and I think the dude killed Dimebag out of a distorted sense of love. Yes love; or, a love that manifested itself-it many times does- as possessiveness of that which is loved. I think the dude loved Pantera so much, when they broke up, and he couldnt have them anymore, he decided no one else should have them. He became so jealous, he decided one of them must die; rather than put out pantera lite. Then, the cherished memory and love of Pantera would last forever.

Oh and another random thought, why is it that in America we have freaks killing famous musicians and other personages out of these feelings of love, craziness etc, when European countries have nutcases that kill for ideals, ideas, causes, etc?-- See Dissection, Varg, church burnings etc. Is this reflective of our respective cultures?

Sorry this shit was on my mind the day it happened, and I didnt have time to bore everyone.
Didn't Nodtveidt kill the guy 'cause he was trying to get into the MLO but Jon and the other guy didnt want him in? 'least that's what I heard.