PT question. Is there a way to reset the driver?

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
So being that the mbox 2 is a piece of shit. :lol:

It sometimes glitches. My guess is it's not liking the new os that much (even though PT is :D).

In cubase there is a simple way to reset the driver without having to quit the program (wow what a fucking great idea). I can't seem to locate this in pro tools, my guess is it doesn't exist.

BTW: To anyone wishing to go to leopard with pro tools. Don't do it.

Cubase has been great, pro tools (not really to my surprise) has been horrible. Wait till digi gets on there shit and develops a driver that works.
The other thing I am running into with leopard is CPU spikes out the ass. Even though the plug is showing usage of only 8% of CPU resources I still get the H/W shit popup.
Sorry for the confusion:

This is my new mac that I am having the issues with:

Powermac G5 quad 2.5ghz
1 gig of RAM (more very very soon)
250gig HD
MAC OSX 10.5.2

But even so with the powerbook I never had this many issues with the mbox 2 just dumping.

Also: I am aware that Digi doesn't officially support 10.5 yet. But pro tools does work. :)
All I can suggest (I only have a 002 on a PC with 7.4cs2) is update to newest cs update, (7.3.1cs6 in your case).

Trash preferences, and try it again.

The Mbox is plugged into the back of the computer too right? not the keyboard? just in case that makes a difference.
Maybe try the firmware updater for the Mbox as well.

Just throwing out ideas.
there is actually a utility for trashing prefs etc somewhere.
cant remember what its called though.
mbox has a habit of causing spikes and generally being cack